
  1. Q is a Marketplace or Direct Selling Business?

    I am from India and here amazon is working as a market place. But how amazon works in USA. Just a marketplace or selling products from there own warehouse
  2. G has the hobbit dvd+ultraviolet digital copy available for purchase....

    ...Can I download that now? The DVD releases the 19th but I'm wanting to know if I can watch the streaming version the day I buy. I know many websites are already offering it streaming so the rights are out there but Amazon is so unclear on their ultraviolet version.
  3. O

    How can I tell if the movie I want to order is a region 1 or 2 DVD on

    I want to order a movie on How can I tell if it is a region 1 or 2 DVD? I had a mishap a few weeks ago with a movie I ordered thinking it was a region 1, when it was a region 2 which I couldn't play... Help! Thanks!
  4. S

    can I put any dvd movie on a kindle fire or only ones downloaded from

    can I put my own dvd movies on there or do you have to download them from amazon. if I can put my own movie on, how?
  5. M

    I sold a dvd on I was just wondering when I would get my money

    for my dvd.? The movie has already been sent to the person who bought it I was just wondering when & how I get paid will the money be put in my checking account or will I get a check in the mail.
  6. A

    I bought a Bluray DVD from (USA), but when I tried to use it on my

    own PC in East Asia? I bought a Bluray DVD from (USA), but when I tried to use it on my own PC in East Asia, Can anyone give me a VERY, VERY good DVD Region Killer which can deactivate my DVD Drive Region
  7. A

    I bought a Bluray DVD from (USA), but when I tried to use it on my

    own PC in East Asia? I bought a Bluray DVD from (USA), but when I tried to use it on my own PC in East Asia, Can anyone give me a VERY, VERY good DVD Region Killer which can deactivate my DVD Drive Region
  8. T

    Marshall Mathers LP MP3 Album for $4 on enjoy star
  9. M

    If I sell something on does Amazon first buy the object from me? PLZ Read

    More? Here's the situation I'm selling my ipod (Blue Ipod nano 5g 8gb) and wanted to sell it on ebay, but I didn't wanna wait with the bids and all and risk nobody not Buying Now. So I was thinking of selling it on now when I was filling out the questions I sort of got confused. 1st...
  10. B

    Is it safe to buy used PDA from

    I need an electronic organizer, such as the handspring visor. But i can buy a used one (It's cheaper), is it safe to order it in Georgia-the country?
  11. B

    Is it safe to buy used PDA from

    I need an electronic organizer, such as the handspring visor. But i can buy a used one (It's cheaper), is it safe to order it in Georgia-the country?
  12. P

    buying a verizon phone on

    i need a new phone because mine broke. amazon only sells them for a penny and i want to get one but my contract isn't up yet but my dad is eligible for an upgrade. 1. is there anyway i can transfer the upgrade to my number on amazon? 2. or can i just order the phone under his number and...
  13. G

    is there a company that will publish my video/DVD and sell it through

    I make movies I'd like to sell via the internet. I heard there is an on-line company that will take someone's movie, add copy protection, and sell it through upon demand. what is the name of the company and what is its web addreess?
  14. D diamgram of a ford f 350 fuse panel pick up?

    diagram of a ford f 350 fuse panel
  15. A

    Is there any difference buying new stuff from versus the actual

    developers? For example, there is this Toshiba Laptop that I want to buy. From Toshiba shipping it costs 1400 USD, but on Amazon it is about 100$ cheaper. Are they still the same thing? As I understand, they are both brand new, with Warranty, and so on. the toshiba site also directed to me to...
  16. A

    When will (not marketplace sellers) have PS3s in stock and ready to ship?

    I want to know real bad, cant wait to get a PS3 soon.
  17. C

    Anything i can buy on for 22 cents?

    I have an American Express gift card and I have 22 cents left on it. I don't want it to go to waste.
  18. M

    Can I use a gift card to buy game downloads from

    So I've been trying to download a game from using the gift cards I have on my account. But when I go to pay, using a gift card is not an option. It says that buying online downloads automatically uses my 1-Click settings, but when I went to the 1-Click, there's no option for paying...
  19. S

    I just bought a dvd on and ow it won't play due to region code?

    Its Muriel's Wedding. How can I get it to play on my PS3 or my dvd player?
  20. T

    if i would buy a dvd movie from to philippines, how much would it cost me?

    the movie dvd is worth $21.99 (exclusive of shipping fees). i am living here in the philippines. i want to have a copy of a thai movie, but the problem is the said movie was not released here in the philippines. my only option is to buy online. how much is the shipping fee and other fees for tax...