
  1. I

    What are some great alt rock albums that I should buy?

    Examples of albums ive already bought. Funeral The Suburbs Oracular Spectacular Congratulations Is this it Franz Ferdinand Hot Fuss Lonerism Bright Eyes albums In Utero Nevermind Queen is Dead
  2. S

    Please! what is the best alt for xanax?

    Klonipin or valuim.i know its not good to mix but i ran out of xanax.And in college and get bad anxity
  3. F

    Nothing will work not even ctrl alt del?

    When I start up my laptop, windows 7 I think 64 bit, and it starts normally but after a second I cant click anything on my taskbar and I can click the start button but nothing in it. I cant right click on the taskbar to start task manager or press ctrl shift esc. When I press ctrl alt del it...
  4. K

    jQuery Image Captions using alt. How do I show a different text if an image

    can't be found? It shows the block of code to go in the caption. Is there a way in jquery to determine a not found image and display text WITHOUT using the alt since it's being used for caption functionality?
  5. P

    Want to skip ctrl+alt+del pressing prior the windows startup?

    while starting my pc there is a screen which requires me to press ctrl+alt+del button. And then only comes the screen for password. i want to skip the first part. Should I uninstall some programs. I have HP connected remote and Cisco anyconnect installed in my PC.
  6. R

    how to add alt attribute in img tag in php so that it displays text

    typed in it when image not available? reply soon
  7. E

    What Bass Guitar should I get for Alt rock/punk around the price of £150 - £250?

    I'm thinking of buying a new guitar but i'm not too sure what would be the best to get. I'm pretty new and this would be my 2nd bass, the first being a basic fender precision bass. From looks alone I'd go with a Epiphone Thunderbird, but i'm not too sure if it's sound is what I'd like. As...
  8. J

    Alt songs that don't use the A string?

    My A string broke on my electric guitar and it's going to take a while for me to get new strings but all my other strings are perfectly in tune and everything, any relatively easy alternative or punk songs to play? some Fugazi songs would be nice, along with Smashing Pumpkins..just anything that...
  9. A

    Tumblr Alt Reblog Isn't Working?

    so earlier today the new tumblr update with the icons for reblog, like, notes, etc. on the bottom of the posts started on my account. i have had missing e installed for a while. but ever since this new tumblr update, everytime i click alt+reblog to reblog something, it downloads the picture...
  10. K

    How do i kill alt+Tab?

    I've taken to skyrim, But there's a ludicrous game breaking bug: Alt is the run key, Tab is inventory, See a probolem? I often accidentially alt tab out, And whats super annoying is that the game won't tab back IN either,
  11. B

    High level of alt and ast for long time?

    I just dicover that my alt and ast levels are high. I may have this problem for last 2 years. I dont drink and no medication used exept alli that in the begining I have used regulary and now less. I have an apt with a doctor in a few days but I am very nervous about hbv. All my othe blood test...
  12. H

    ALT and AST Question?

    I had bloodwork done 10 days ago ALT 29 Normal (range 10-40 u/l) AST 40 slight high (range 10-35 u/l). i was taking cataflam (anti- inflammatory med same as voltaren which is known to spike liver levels ) . dr told me to relax.. it was just cataflam. . 10 days later i had bloodwork again...
  13. E

    High ALT levels for liver and high cholesterol - should I worry?

    Hello, I’ve just had some LFT results back. Everything is fine, except my ALT is 103 and my cholesterol is 6.7. When I last had these tests done in 2010, my ALT was 41. I had a prior issue with my liver two years ago, had an ultrasound, and it was fatty liver due to possible toxic medication...
  14. D

    Why does my computer keep crashing/freezing after alt tabbing from a game?

    Even though this does not happen 100%, it occurs enough to irritate me. Typically after alt tabbing from a full screen game, or even just simply exiting or quitting it, it either: 1.) gets stuck on a black screen, in which I can not perform any action 2.) goes to a blue screen, where it says is...
  15. B

    Why are my alt and ast always high?

    I done tests on december of 2011 and my alt was 291 and ast was 116. On march of thi year I did some more tests and the results where not good again. My alt was 105 and ast 55. In may I repitet the test and dr called me the same day to tell me that my levels where even higher than in march. I do...
  16. M

    IM Sábado, 4:30AM alt ffffffhttp://10N1.INFO?ctfg w s2tly2jj8054edigei

    What does means? Need to know what it is
  17. J

    Why are my alt codes just a empty box/square but it works on my other laptop?

    for example ?
  18. G

    A disk read error occurred, press control alt delete to continue?

    Is there a way to fix this? It is a windows 7 toshiba satellite laptop, and I have the backup disks. However, whenever I put in disk 1 and boot from it after pressing f12 to enter the boot selection menu, it says it is loading files, then the screen stays blank for a long time, then there is a...
  19. J

    Why when I type ALT+3232 instead of ? appearing, it appears á?

    Like eight months ago it was working like that, now it keeps appearing the á, how do I fix it?
  20. J

    I can't use alt codes on facebook?

    I recently saw a post that said press alt + 1 to get a smiley face. I saw other people do but when i ddi it my facebook just reloaded...