
  1. T

    Alcohol Consumption And Cardiovascular Risk Factors

    The purpose of this paper was to examine whether drinkers who consume lower-risk amounts on more frequent occasions have favourable risk factor profiles compared with those who drink more per occasion but less frequently. The authors also discuss implications for the larger debate about the...
  2. T

    Unkindness Linked To Alcohol, Drug Abuse In Black Populations

    Blacks who feel mistreated and discriminated against are more likely to abuse alcohol and illegal drugs, and a new study from Purdue University shows this usage can become a problematic pattern. "It's no surprise that people who believe they receive frequent unfair treatment from strangers feel...
  3. S

    Online alcohol supplier's in uk?

    Hey guy's can you know some good stores in UK who is able to supply online alcohol and also give home delivery for party and function. Please suggest me alcohol online UK stores. Thanks..
  4. T

    Promising Approach For The Treatment Of Alcohol Dependence

    "Addiction is a brain disease" was the title of an editorial in the renowned journal Science 15 years ago. The author argued that recognising addiction as a disorder of the brain can impact society´s overall health and social policy strategies and help diminish the health and social costs...
  5. P

    What is worse for your body ? - Alcohol or cigarettes ?

    Who are healthier, drinkers or smokers ? Just wondering ?
  6. A

    Was the ATF created because alcohol and tobacco would be illegal under the

    Controlled Substances Act of 1970? Schedule I substances (strictest penalties) are those that have the following findings: The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse. The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. There is a...
  7. A

    Oh Dear…Kids Are ‘Butt Chugging’ Wine (i.e. Doing Alcohol Enemas) To Get Drunk Now?

    In the most disturbing food news on Eater this morning, kids are apparently doing alcohol enemas–and cleverly referring to it as "butt chugging"–to get drunk now. Unshockingly, this trend has already led to the hospitalization of a 20-year-old frat kid at the University of Tennessee, who was...
  8. T

    Drug, Alcohol Problems Associated With Mortality In Younger Veterans With PTSD, Inclu

    Veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder who are also battling drug or alcohol problems face a higher risk of death, according to new research from the University of Michigan Health System and the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System. The new study is the first to examine the association...
  9. J

    What would be the cheapest place to buy alcohol in the UK?

    I've been looking online sites for buying alcohol for a business party, it’s really a big party; it is more expensive than in shops locally. I thing to Tosco’s to buy some beers; it was kind of cheap, so tell me alcohol online UK. Thanks best alcohol
  10. T

    Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Studied Through To 9 Years Of Age

    Although studies of alcohol's effects on fetal growth have consistently demonstrated deficits that persist through infancy, the data on long-term postnatal growth from human studies have been inconsistent. A new study of the effects of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on growth and body...
  11. T

    Alcohol Could Intensify The Effects Of Some Drugs In The Body

    According to scientists, there is yet another reason to avoid drinking alcohol while taking certain medicines, besides the known consequences such as possible liver damage, stomach bleeding, and other side effects. Their laboratory experiments were reported in American Chemical Society's (ACS)...
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    One Quarter Of Admissions To Scottish Intensive Care Units Were Alcohol Related

    A quarter of patients admitted to Scottish intensive care units have alcohol problems and the majority of those have chronic alcohol disease, with particular problems among men and younger people. Those are key findings of a survey of all 24 Scottish intensive care units, carried out by the...
  13. A

    Alcohol Boosts Bone Health In Women Over 50, Says Irresponsibly-Reported Study

    The award for worst health reporting of the week goes to...numerous news outlets that reported on the benefits of booze for bone health today. A study released this morning, which suggests that regular alcohol consumption could lower risk of osteoporosis in women over 50—the problem is, the...
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    Postmenopause Moderate Alcohol Consumption May Help Prevent Bone Loss

    Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol as part of a healthy lifestyle may benefit women's bone health, lowering their risk of developing osteoporosis. A new study assessed the effects of alcohol withdrawal on bone turnover in postmenopausal women who drank one or two drinks per day several times...
  15. C

    Help with speech against alcohol, smoking and drugs?

    can someone please give me a speech against alcohol, smoking, and drugs, their ill effects? Thank you in advance! :)
  16. T

    Contaminated Alcohol Pads Responsible For Illnesses In Colorado Children's Hospital

    A small cluster of unusual illnesses at a Colorado children's hospital prompted an investigation that swiftly identified alcohol prep pads contaminated with Bacillus cereus bacteria, according to a report in the July issue of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, the journal of the...
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    Alcohol Consumption Decreased In Heavy-Drinking Smokers By Anti-Smoking Drug Varenicl

    The smoking cessation drug varenicline significantly reduced alcohol consumption in a group of heavy-drinking smokers, in a study carried out by researchers at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center at the University of California, San Francisco. "Alcohol abuse is a huge problem, and this...
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    Youth Exposure To Alcohol Marketing Needs To Be Addressed

    Reducing youth exposure to alcohol advertising and marketing is a missed opportunity for states to improve public health, according to a new review of state alcohol advertising laws from the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The...
  19. G

    What would happen if I asked the police to buy me alcohol, clearly as a joke?

    ...If I am legal drinking age and I could prove it. Can you get in trouble or would they just have a laugh about it?
  20. T

    Alcohol Consumption, Tattoos And Piercings Associated With Risky Behavior

    Tattoos and body piercings have become so popular in western societies that many consider them fashion trends. While people acquire tattoos and piercings for different reasons, prior research has shown that individuals who do so are also more likely to engage in risky behaviors that include...