
  1. B

    why have AIG, GM and Chrysler STILL not returned back the bailout money?

    Its been almost 4 years they took bailout and they haven't returned it back. At the same time they say economy is now doing good, but these shameless 3 companies don't care to return back. how come? if you take a loan from bank, would the bank ever say, "return when you feel like"? all the...
  2. K

    Can the Madoff scandal victims be "bailed out" ? "AIG" provides vacations and...

    Can the Madoff scandal victims be "bailed out" ? "AIG" provides vacations and... ...bonuses in the billions...*? shouldn't the Madoff scandal victims be "bailed out" ? "AIG" provides vacations and bonuses to their employees in the billions.. from bailout.* Why not the people that tried to...
  3. C

    What exactly is AIG doing?

    Am I getting this right.....AIG is suing us for money we gave them?
  4. R

    aig bonuses, why all the fuss?

    after all these years where the rich getter richer, pretty much from the beginning of time, now why the outrage, the horse has left the barn and the frost is on the pumpkin and the hay is in the barn
  5. E

    Is it LEGAL for a CONTRACT to be broken? Just like the AIG bonus

    contract is being broken? Obama signed a contract he did not read Congress signed the same contract without reading it GET MAD AT THE POLITICIANS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE RESPONSIBLE AND REPRESENT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THE POLITICIANS ARE THE ONES WHO SIGNED OFF ON THIS,and made it so the...
  6. J

    Are the people at AIG who received the $165 million in bonuses the same ones who

    lost the company billions? The man brought in to clean up AIG -- Edward Libby -- testified before Congress that the individuals responsible for creating the billions of losses at AIG and thus the need for billions in tax-payer bail-outs, were swept out of the company, and that the ones who...
  7. E

    While everyone is complaining about the AIG bonuses, history happened. What... you think?
  8. E

    Who else thinks the AIG executives should keep the 165 million dollars?

    Wasnt this country founded on the idea that a contract is to be HONORED. It is OBAMA's and CONGRESS'S fault for signing off on a bill that protected these bonuses Hell, THEY DIDNT EVEN READ THE FRICKIN BILL so why are people mad at AIG, when it all comes down to WHY DID THEY PASS A BILL...
  9. R

    People who support the special AIG tax, how would you react if a future...

    ...Republican Congress & POTUS were to? pass a special tax that targeted your favorite political organization? Would you jump up and down and declare that unconstitutional? I opposed the bailout but that is done - Congress didn't do its homework before they passed the bill.
  10. D

    What is your opinion of AIG paid bonus to shareholders?

    Do you agree AIG to make this decision?
  11. C

    AIG bonus's unconstitutional?

    im sure everyone hears a lot of talk on the news lately about AIG and the bonus's some executives received, and how AIG has sued them over the 90% tax congress passed. a lot of republicans, and some democrats, have said the tax is unconstitutional. now this is my question. people say the...
  12. C

    Why are those that support capitalism complaining about the AIG bonuses?

    When its the very economic system of capitalism that has allowed these bonuses. I know youre upset that its your tax dollars that have funded it and all that but thats what happens when you desparately try to save capitalism from itself by throwing money at private companies in the hope they...
  13. O

    Is all this AIG smokescreen just to coverup the typical backdoor politics, Braq

    Obama is doing on the down low? It always seems like the louder the Politicians yell the more devious the secret stuff is going on behind closed doors. Watch the House Bill numbers to see if one is missing. Then you know they are secretly passing laws. eg 1, 2, 3, _, 5
  14. I

    Obama has no credibility in going against AIG bonuses?

    2/3's of Congress are corrupt by payola from Freddie mac and Fannie mae and should be in prison until they return that payola and the economy returns to 'normal'. Obama himself got the most payola.
  15. L

    are the executives of AIG just like the Bald Eagle as characterized by...

    ...Ben Franklin (read what he said below)? "For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to...
  16. J

    what should happen to senator dobbs with the aig bonuses?

    he was in favor for the aig bonuses then he changed his mind
  17. C

    Dems have the nerve to complain about AIG Bonuses!?!?

    Yes, well we all know how if one person in the party says or does it then it must be true of everyone in the party. So since this is the side of the Dems are all of the Reps supporting the suicide option for the AIG bonus recipients? EDIT: My apologies...TWO guys!! Haven't we had TWO...
  18. M

    Obama knew about AIG executive bonuses?

    Why did he act so shocked and surprised? Gudrin: Your link was trying to download something to my computer, so I stopped it. Sorry, I don't know what is in your video. I hope it is regarding my question.
  19. J

    Does anyone feel pity for the AIG execs getting threatened?

    I think if they want to keep million$$$ of our money they should take the consequences and if that means death threats then so be it. Does anyone really feel sorry for these guys? Really cracked me up when the CEO was reading threats from blogs to the senate committee today. Where's my...
  20. M

    Is AIG the beginning of a Barny Frank style McCarthyism?

    Demanding names and addresses of all the CAPITALIST sympathizers!!! Your right BOB education is a good thing. 1. the bonuses were already under contract before they got any bailout money. 2. this is not a democracy, this is a republic. 3. geithner and dodd approved these bonuses in oct., with...