
  1. J

    are male or female sugar gliders less aggressive?

    I'm thinking about buying a sugar glider after my 16th birthday in a couple weeks and i want a pretty chill one that likes to be lazy lol but i don't want a lazy one that will bite and be aggressive lol so would i be better getting a male or female or does that not matter in this case lol
  2. T

    Cell Movement Provides Clues To Aggressive Breast Cancer

    Researchers from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have identified a specific molecule that alters how breast cancer cells move. This affects the cells' ability to spread or metastasize to distant parts of the body, the hallmark of deadly, aggressive cancer. By looking at...
  3. H

    Why is my rabbit becoming increasingly food aggressive?

    I have a rabbit that is almost a year old. He has been neutered, and I have raised him since he was a baby. He has never been aggressive towards me before, but about a month ago he started becoming food aggressive with my fiance, then He grunts, lunges, bites, and claws when I...
  4. T

    New Insight Into Why Some Individuals May Be More Aggressive Than Others

    Fluctuations of serotonin levels in the brain, which often occur when someone hasn't eaten or is stressed, affects brain regions that enable people to regulate anger, new research from the University of Cambridge has shown. Although reduced serotonin levels have previously been implicated in...
  5. T

    Denser Breasts Linked To Higher Cancer Risk And More Aggressive Forms Of The Disease

    Women whose mammograms reveal denser breasts have a greater risk of developing breast cancer, as well as more aggressive tumors compared to those whose breasts are less dense, researchers from the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, reported in the Journal of the...
  6. C

    What do I do about an aggressive truck driver?

    I was driving along the interstate today, and I went to pass this truck. Well, the truck driver for some unknown reason started to get aggressive and dangerous. I was able to get his plate number and his state, but not the company of the truck. What should I do?
  7. M

    What do I do about an aggressive truck driver?

    You could always call the cops and they can run the plate. They should b able to tell you who the truck is registered to, thus they find the company, and then the guy get's his ass fired! Problem solved.
  8. N

    How to introduce a puppy to a 3 year old dog who might be aggressive?

    So im thinking about getting a puppy soon (in a few months) but my brother has a dog already and she has been an only dog since he got her 3 years ago. His dog is a shiba inu and When i read about that breed it says they can be aggressive but I dont know if she is aggressive or not since she...
  9. B

    So some girl I never even noticed before posted a passive aggressive comment on... wall, how to respond? I have an album on facebook called "people unaware of their photos being taken" and she posted on my wall "I really hope I dint see myself in that album. (I only put my real friends pictures in there. I said back are you asking in a nice was or passive aggressive way...
  10. S

    Why are some churches so aggressive with Tithing.?

    I makes me wonder because the Pastor lives in a big 5 Bedroom house with 3 cars and a Boat with a swimming pool
  11. K

    My fish is too aggressive?!?

    I have a 55 gal. tank with an Oscar who is about 8 inches long and and iridescent shark who is about 10 inches. The Oscar is constantly beating up my shark. Is there anything I can do other then separate them?
  12. L

    why is my rabbit aggressive?

    I found a rabbit and i kept her, gave her a home and some food and i let her roam around the room. she always struggles when i try to hold her. i always get cuts on my hands and now i have 2 2 inch cuts and they're kinda red and stuff. ive only had her for like 2 weeks but should i let her go or...
  13. J

    what is an aggressive fighting style with an acknowledgement to mental alertness?

    widely available in michigan.
  14. P

    New 5 gallon tank, put betta and 4 fish(plus crab) in, Aggressive betta?

    Well last night i got a 5 gallon, I had my betta but i wanted more fish. So I got a black goldfish, catfish and another one from my other tank which wasnt getting along with the other fish. Earlier my catfished died of sickness(Noticed it was when i bought her, something wasnt right when i saw...
  15. E

    Are pit bulls aggressive by nature or is it their upbringing?

    I was asked "Are pit bulls aggressive by nature or is it their upbringing?" I was unsure how to answer this. I stated that it was their upbringing. However others said they were aggressive by nature. Can you explain what you think and why. I appreciate it thanks :)
  16. M

    How to introduce a small kitten to an aggressive female dog?

    I really want this 6week old kitten and i have two australia cattle dog. My boy dog could care less about this little kitten but my female wont stop watching the kitten she just wont leave this kitten alone...there's a video of there interaction
  17. H

    What to do with my overly aggressive dog?

    He is 9 months old and a border collie lab mix. I've had him since he was four days old and fed him and everything. He is really nice to our family, but when he sees strangers he barks, and he takes to different people differently. Sometimes he likes them, but other times he doesn't stop baring...
  18. T

    Surgery For Aggressive Prostate Cancer Gives 92% 10-year Survival Rate

    Patients with the most aggressive form of prostate cancer who have surgery - radical prostatectomy - were found to have a 10-year cancer-specific survival rate of 92%, which is high, and a 77% overall survival rate, according to researchers from the Fox Chase Cancer Center and the Mayo Clinic...
  19. T

    Genetic Marker Of Aggressive Alzheimer's Disease Identified By Researchers

    An international team of Alzheimer's disease experts, led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has uncovered a gene variation that appears to predict the rate at which Alzheimer's disease will progress. The investigators report their findings online in the journal Public...
  20. S

    Are there any small aggressive fish that can fit in a 10 gallon tank?

    Not A Betta because I already know this. I need names of fish that can fit the preferences stated above