
  1. H

    Does Judaism's eschewal of an afterlife play any part in the stereotyping of Jewish

    people as money grubbers? DTKL- Says you. I've heard the whole spiel about usury a hundred times before. I have no idea who this Erik K is. Perhaps the reason the Jews were into usury in the first place is because they're firmly entrenched in materialism. The old testament is a testament to...
  2. R

    Should people really be infinitely rewarded or punished in an afterlife?

    considering our brief life spans (that we sleep 1/3 away) is it considered 'just' by biblical standards that we should be infinitely rewarded in heaven or infinitely punished in hell for our actions and beliefs during life? an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, an eternity for a lifetime?
  3. S

    If there is no God, how can there be any afterlife?

    What is the point of living if there is no after life? Of dying? I can see how religion gives people hope their loved ones have gone to a better place. Why do so many people criticise other's beliefs?
  4. S

    Do you think that the christian afterlife is just lame?

    There is no reason to believe in an "afterlife". The christian "afterlife" just seems so boring and lame. I am glad it doesn't exist.
  5. E

    Which Religion believes in the afterlife?

    i just want to know please (:
  6. J

    Would people still be interested in religion if it didn't promise an afterlife?

    i.e. if you had to be 'good' your whole life but would receive no reward in heaven? Trey J misses the point - would you still indulge in religious belief if there was zero reward promised? would you be 'good' for the sake of being good, not just because you have been promised 'a reward'?
  7. J

    Resident evil afterlife?

    Are they gonna make a fourth movie to the resident evil series?