
  1. A

    Babies Born Addicted To Junk Food? It’s (Sort Of) A Thing

    The old adage that pregnant women are "eating for two" is so much truer than the pre- neuroscience-obsessed*eras knew. A new study of pregnant women with poor diets found mothers can actually pass on a junk food "tolerance" to unborn children, setting them up for a lifetime of being less...
  2. C

    My mom is addicted to her cell phone?

    My mom over the months has become attached to her cell phone she litterally cannot put it down, she carries a charger EVERYWHERE. I am way embarrased to go anywhere with her, she texts in movie theatres, restraunts, family gatherings. Just the other day we were at a baby shower for my cousin and...
  3. C

    My mom is addicted to her cellphone :(?

    My mom over the months has become attached to her cell phone she litterally cannot put it down, she carries a charger EVERYWHERE. I am way embarrased to go anywhere with her, she texts in movie theatres, restraunts, family gatherings. Just the other day we were at a baby shower for my cousin and...
  4. J

    Why do we get "Addicted" to nicotine?

    What's the reason? It doesn't give us a "high" or anything like that.
  5. G

    How did Brandon Novak become addicted to heroin? Dreamseller Book?

    Details. What really got him started more than anything.
  6. L

    Any non smokers addicted to nicotine gum?

    I tried nicotine gum, and don't smoke, and liked it - now I can't stop using it - I use it everyday for most of the day, and find it hard to go a day without using it.
  7. V

    Addicted to Drinking Urine

    One the strangest (and coolest) shows on TV has to be My Strange Addiction on TLC. In the season finale, which aired on Sunday, it featured 53-year-old Carrie who has been addicted to drinking her urine for four years. She drinks about 80 ounces every day, but that’s not the only way she gets...
  8. S

    What's wrong with being addicted to nicotine?

    When I say this, I mean purely a nicotine addiction, aside from all of the other things in cigarettes. Obviously it isn't good to be addicted to something, but there are plenty of people addicted to caffeine, or even everyday things that don't seem harmful that are still addictions. So is...
  9. M

    why are teenage boys addicted to sci fi ?

    please add a book than i can use as a major resource for a research paper
  10. T

    I don't get addicted to cigarette smoke?

    I always hear people say that you get addicted to it, but I tried it a lot of times. But I didn't get addicted. I inhaled the cigarette really hard, but still it didn't work. Why? How the hell do you smoke? Is the way i smoke wrong? I am not trying to get addicted. Just want to know why I don't...
  11. M

    I got my 5 year old cousin addicted to Chewing Tobacco?

    I'm 13 and well I have been chewing for 3 years and haven't been caught by my parents yet! I have always taking a tin out of my dads roll that he buys every week and he hasn't noticed yet. A few months ago My 5 year old cousin stole some from me and I have been giving him little dips since and...
  12. S

    help.. i'm addicted to the mc rib.. half joking?

    I just bought two today. I've bought 3 total since they came out. I literally ate each sandwich in 2 minutes. I'm a skinny guy and shoot, I feel like I could eat two more.. Do they put some sort of chemical cocaine in these sandwiches? Maybe it's the sugar in the bbq sauce im addicted to? i...
  13. J

    Can you be addicted to nicotine form secondhand smoke?

    I have never smoked a cigarette in my life, however when i was a child from kindergarten to about fifth grade i was baby-sat everyday, all day in a smoke filled trailer, because my grandma was a smoker. Now, i find myself craving cigarettes even though i have never smoked a cigarette myself. i...
  14. K

    how do i know if im addicted to nicotine?

    so im asking this question again because i dident really ask the other one properly but anyway for the past maybe 3-4 weeks i have smoked 1 cigar every saturday (small ones, like the size of a ciggie) its monday today and after school i bought one to save for saturday and i kind of want to...
  15. A

    Days of NBA Lives: Wherein Hassan Whiteside is addicted to pasta and breadsticks

    </p> At this point, seemingly half the NBA is on Twitter. It's a wild world of training updates, questions as to which movies they should go see, and explanations of their Call of Duty prowess. Every so often, though, you also get a picture into the more interesting aspects of NBA life. This...
  16. L

    How many cigraettes do you have to smoke before you are addicted to them?

    I smoked my first cigraette today, (i'm 15) don't say I'm too young, but i am wondering hoiw many i would have to smoke before i begin craving them.
  17. L

    How many cigraettes do you have to smoke before you are addicted to them?

    I smoked my first cigraette today, (i'm 15) don't say I'm too young, but i am wondering hoiw many i would have to smoke before i begin craving them.
  18. L

    How many cigraettes do you have to smoke before you are addicted to them?

    I smoked my first cigraette today, (i'm 15) don't say I'm too young, but i am wondering hoiw many i would have to smoke before i begin craving them.
  19. L

    How many cigraettes do you have to smoke before you are addicted to them?

    I smoked my first cigraette today, (i'm 15) don't say I'm too young, but i am wondering hoiw many i would have to smoke before i begin craving them.
  20. L

    feel like im addicted to food?

    I am not fat watsoever, but i fear that i will soon become fat if i keep eating the way i do. I always crave food and cant eait till my next meal. when i try to not eat junkfood or food that i love or limit myself i cave. I dnt want to be addicted to food i want to only eat when im hungry...