
  1. M

    Dating recovering sex addict?

    So this is a bit of a long story but I will make it short. I'm just trying to get someone's unbiased perspective on this. I've known this man for years. We seem to pop in and out of eachother's lives. Well, for the past 5 months we have been getting closer and I feel really strong feelings for...
  2. R

    My father is a tobacco addict........?

    my father is a tobacco addict.......he has been eating tobacco over the last 25 years......he's 50 now.....till i was small..i didn't give a look......but now i am quite serious about his tobacco eating habit......many times i have told him and have advised him to not to eat tobacco as the...
  3. A

    The Importance Of Unplugging, From A Technology Addict

    I was born in the late 80s, which means that I was part of the first generation to grow up with computers. My brothers and I would play games on our family desktop for hours each day, excitedly anticipating the … More » The Importance Of Unplugging, From A Technology Addict is a post from...
  4. G

    i downloaded DivX from free movies addict will i get viruses to my hard drive?

    it said to view the movie i needed the plug in but when i clicked to download it my norton anti-virus came up saying that it was a safe progam, should it be fine? (also when the donwload was completed the official DivX website came up and said "congratulations" if that makes a difference)
  5. O

    sex addict needed asap lol this is embarrsing?

    so does anyone know a good online shop to buy a vibrator ? the thing is i want it delivered to my house without my parents knowing what it is grow up ? im 24 but im in college living with my mom
  6. M

    Can a woman tell if a guy is an addict or has problems with substance addiction?

    Can a woman tell if a guy is an addict or has problems with substance addiction? even if he doesn't tell her or just works out alot?what if she is an acquiantance who has known you for awhile?
  7. S

    What to do about a friend that is an addict?

    I have had this friend that i've known for many years and she recently confided in me that she has been battling a problem with pain killers for almost 10 years...It started with i think oxycodone and now she's abusing Tylenol 3..She came to me because she wants to get help but she's embarrassed...
  8. M

    sex addict!!! is too much bad for u?

    im only 16 but i love sex. love it love it LOVE IT! i masterbat almost everynight in my room while watching porn. every friday night and saturday i have SEXX!!! :) but ugh is too much sex bad for u?
  9. B

    How to not be an internet addict? Lol but no joke. Help?

    First of all i'm gonna say go ahead and put this on a yahoo answers epic fail website but i cant last one day without going on the internet. Im only 13 and my mom has like this thing on our mac where you can only go on for 2 hours but im addicted to the internet and need help. So how do i get...
  10. J

    What was that autobiography written over a decade or two ago about a heroin addict?

    and he described his time in jail and later died of his addiction? I can't remember the name or the author
  11. A

    Had a dream I was a sex addict; what does it mean?!?

    I had a dream about a much older version of me, and I was engaged (he was strangely like Danny Dyer). But was a sex addict! I'd have sex with him in the bathroom, the bedrooms the living room and even in the back of a van. What does it mean? I've had similar dreams a few times now... I'm a...
  12. T

    New Empirical Model Quantifies And Gauges An Alcohol Addict's Level Of Engagement In

    Maria Pagano, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, has established an empirical model to quantify and gauge an alcohol addicts' level of engagement in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)-related helping (AAH). The instrument validity study, "Running...
  13. M

    Poll: Are you a drug addict? For example addicted to nicotine (cigarettes)

    cocaine, heroin, etc.? A simple 'yes' or 'no' will do.
  14. M

    Poll: Are you a drug addict? For example addicted to nicotine (cigarettes)

    cocaine, heroin, etc.? A simple 'yes' or 'no' will do.
  15. F

    do you think am i a 15yr old sex addict?

    well lets get this straight i dont have sex with every one!but i think about sex all the time.and when i breakdown and get some im so happy.then i spend the next few days thinking about them finally i get with them if a dont ill die. what should i do?? im always safe :)
  16. T

    Coca-Cola addict... How do I stop?

    I am a Coca-Cola addict. When I say addicted I mean it. I have been told to put a nipple on a two litter bottle.I LOVE it. I drink it way too much. I am drinking some now as a matter of fact.. I am worried because I have heard and been told its only going to wreck my health. I need help, advice...
  17. A

    Are you an internet addict?

    I bet you are.
  18. D

    My husband is a sugar addict! What can I do to get him to eat healthier?

    My husband lives on MASSIVE amounts of sugar. He can go days without a piece of meat and rarely eats a vegetable. He will eat several donuts late at night, he eats numerous pieces of cake with loads of sugary icing at family gatherings. He ate entirely from the desert table at our family...
  19. V

    Will I turn into a sex addict, if I have sex for the first time?

    I'm alittle afraid that if I ever have sex, I'll turn into a sex addict because I'm addicted to masturbating. If this ever happen, what can I do to prevent it, please help!
  20. S

    Please help with an addict?

    My mom has been addicted to perscription pain pills for 15 years. SHe has never admitted she had a problem until about 4 days ago. She went to a detox center for like four days and then she will have some options of other rehab facilities but she also has the option to go home. My dad has had...