
  1. T

    OCD Sufferers' Brains Are More Active When Faced With A Moral Dilemma

    Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder are characterised by persistent thoughts and repetitive behaviours. A new study reveals that sufferers worry considerably more than the general population in the face of morality problems. Along with the help of experts from the Barcelona's Hospital...
  2. G

    500,000 domain names active in the .nz space

    The website has now been confirmed as New Zealand's 500,000th active domain name within the .NZ domain space.
  3. A

    Jets sign former rugby player Hayden Smith to active roster

    The New York Jets made an intriguing addition to their 53-man roster on Saturday when they terminated the contract of veteran wide receiver Jason Hill and promoted tight end Hayden Smith from the practice squad. As Rich Cimini of ESPN New York notes, the 27-year-old Smith played rugby...
  4. T

    For Small Kidney Masses, Active Surveillance Provides A Viable Alternative To Surgery

    Active surveillance of small kidney masses is a safe and effective alternative to immediate surgery, with similar overall and cancer specific survival rates, according to a study published in the November issue of the urology journal BJUI. The technique is primarily used to treat elderly...
  5. T

    Children Inspired By Natural Playgrounds Tend To Be More Physically Active

    Children who play on playgrounds that incorporate natural elements like logs and flowers tend to be more active than those who play on traditional playgrounds with metal and brightly colored equipment, according to a recent UT study. They also appear to use their imagination more, according to...
  6. A

    Darnell Dockett and Steven Jackson active and will start in Thursday night?s Rams-Car

    Arizona Cardinals defensive tackle Darnell Dockett and St. Louis Rams running back Steven Jackson were both listed as "questionable" on the final injury report of the week, but both are active and will start for their respective teams on Thursday night. Dockett (hamstring) missed the second...
  7. K

    Sims 3 ambitions iphone, how do I delete an active goal?

    I have an active goal to be disliked by everyone and I am sure that I have completed it. I even divorced my spouse and got disliked by him to :( is there a way if deleting the goal and if not how do I complete it?
  8. R

    mobile Active sync issues on pc?

    Active sync issues on pc? Hello, im trying to upload some pictures onto my computer that i have taken on my htc hd mini but for some reason its not connecting to my old pc XP or my laptop (Windows 7).Ive tried trouble shooting it and updating my active sync software but it keeps saying it cant...
  9. T

    The Feasibility Of Integration Of Active Tuberculosis Case Finding In A Mobile HIV-Te

    A research article by Katharina Kranzer from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and colleagues describe the feasibility and costs of an active tuberculosis case finding project in Cape Town, South Africa. The study describes the integration of tuberculosis testing into a mobile HIV...
  10. ninzalipio

    Simple, hot and active...

    Came along from nowhere. I'm hoping a nice and smooth stay in this forum. Thank you in advace. IT'S N07 7H3 Y34RS 1N Y0UR L1F3 7H47 C0UN7s. IT'S 7H3 L1F3 1N Y0UR Y34RS!
  11. B

    My brother and his wife expect me to be active, involved, and interested... their three kids' lives, but...? ...they show no interest whatsoever in our younger sister (a struggling single mom) or her two kids. It makes me so angry that I just want to focus all of my uncle attentions & efforts on my sister's kids, and just leave my brother's kids to their two...
  12. B

    My brother and his wife expect me to be active, involved, and interested... their three kids' lives, but...? ...they show no interest whatsoever in our younger sister (a struggling single mom) or her two kids. It makes me so angry that I just want to focus all of my uncle attentions & efforts on my sister's kids, and just leave my brother's kids to their two...
  13. S

    Best and most active iPad and iPhone game forums?

    Like the question asks, what are the best forums for iPad and iPhone games?
  14. D

    Have Christians come to an agreement yet about whether Hell is active...

    ...torture,existence without god,or nothing? If not, why not? Is the bible unclear and contradictory by accident, or on purpose?
  15. C

    Going to school while on Active Duty?

    I am an 18 year old boy and I want to join a branch of the Military im thinking of Army Marines or Navy but also eventually I want to go to college and I was wondering how hard is it to do this while on active duty or is it even possible at all so I could kill 2 birds with one stone. Also with...
  16. S

    Bluetooth on laptop - How to make it active and appear at my task bar?

    Bluetooth on laptop - How to make it active and appear at my task bar? A few days and weeks aqo, it was workinq. Then when I wanted to use it last weeks, i can't find it. When I want to 'show' it on my notification's task bar. It says that it will appear once that notification's active aqain. I...
  17. A

    I Cant Active my yahoo mail on Blackberry mobile?

    I need to active my email account ID ( [email protected] ) on my blackberry mobile but i cant in the same mobile I have another yahoo accounts & another email accounts ( Hotmail - Gmail ) its working without any problem in the same mobile. Note : I change the my blackberry mobile to another...
  18. T

    taking The GNC Women's Ultra Mega Active Vitapak && im spotting. has this

    happened to anyone else? have started taking the womens ultra mega active packs daily and i have started spotting also. I have no clue why has this happened to anyone else that have taken it?
  19. P

    How long can you be on active hold for Norwegian cruise line before you are...

    ...called for training as jr waiter? on the pride of america, its been 4 months already and I am eager to go : /
  20. S

    how to take the GNC Womens Vita Pack for active women?

    I bought this package and the GNC lady suggested that I take all pills at once in the morning with food but I read reviews and some people split them up during the day. There are 7 pills, any suggestions? There are no directions on the box.