
  1. S

    I disable my motorola input on my droid 4 by accident and now there is no

    keyboard. How do I enable it? how do I enable motorla input again after I disabled it in the app section. When I go back it is not in the app section so I cannot choose it again. I have no keyboard and I was wondering how to enable it again.
  2. N

    Why do people film a murder or take pictures of car accident victims?

    and even post these videos and pictures on youtube from their mobile phones? Is it best just to consider these poeple no long part of humanity?
  3. E

    Why do the Maryland State Police hold an Accident Report so long and get it wrong?

    My wife and I were in an accident right next to a Maryland State Police Barrack. We had two witnesses provide information. My wife and the other woman were sent to the hospital. It was obvious she caused it and I thought I heard she was cited. No information for 9 days. When I PAID for the one...
  4. L

    Is my car going to be considered "Totaled" after being in an accident?

    [Pictures Included]? An Idiot ran a stop sign and smashed into my car basically t-boning it. I have a picture below: pic1- pic2 - The kid has Progressive, I need someone to determine, do you think the adjuster will value my...
  5. G

    Celebs Take to Twitter With Prayers for Usher's Stepson After Jet-Ski Accident

    Usher's celebritiy pals are taking to Twitter with their prayers and concern for the singer's ex-wife Tameka Foster's son, who is in critical condition after a Jet-Ski accident...
  6. P

  7. M

    An accident waiting to happen: Rental car companies renting unfixed recalled cars

    [No message]
  8. M

    I have accident in nj state, my fault , my license expired one day ago?

    I live in nj, I got an accident. A person he made a sudden stop and i hit his car from the back. It was raining and road was slippary. It was likely my fault,When police ask for my license, I found it was expired 2 days ago. I got ticket for drive without license. What are the effects happen on...
  9. A

    CASE CITATION FOR Bell v. Ameritech Sickness & Accident Disability?

    Bell v. Ameritech Sickness & Accident Disability please help! need the case citation!
  10. T

    A Disk Read Error Occured. Press CTRL ALT DEL to restart, accident, what do i do?!?

    Please bare with me when i tell you what is going on... I was using my mothers netbook computer, it is very small. I had my drawing tablet plugged in when i noticed the battery was about to go. So i sat up to get the charger to plug in, when i caught my foot on the tablet wire and the little...
  11. S

    After an accident, can paramedics force you to go to the hospital?

    If someone is hit by a car, loses consciousness, but comes back around, can paramedics force them to go to the hospital? What if the person exhibits concussion symptoms? What if the person exhibits aggressive behavior as a possible result of concussion? Do rules change then?
  12. B

    I was in an accident, they are trying to go after me for damages?

    So I was in chicago on my way home from school. There was an abrupt stop. I barely made the stop but I did the next thing I know I'm getting rear ended. When I got hit I moved forward hit the car in front of me and then another and another. 5 cars total. Based on the police report the person...
  13. J

    Used car with accident on carfax, need help?

    i am looking at a used car 2008 camry le with 38000 miles. the carfax shows a moderate/severe accident in early march 2008 on the left rear. It has a clean title though The seller does not know anything about it as it was his father-in-laws car, who passed away. NOW, how could i get more...
  14. A

    Bike Accident with Car?

    My girlfriend has knocked into a car on her motorcycle she is third party and not sure if he is fully comp will his insurance cover the damage to the bike? It's his fault.
  15. L

    What's the film about a bank robbery, with an accident, and one of the robber

    who gets progressively worse? I'm trying to find out for my mum, and those were the only details she could provide. That, and that it may, or may Not have had Jeff Bridges in :-s. She thinks it may have been in the 70's, and that the other robbers eventually mercy-kill the robber with the...
  16. H

    My grandfather was in an accident in an RV and the Cruise Control got stuck...

    ...causing it to catch on fire? My grandfather was in an RV accident on Saturday. Witnesses said that he had swirved to miss something in the road and the SUV he was hauling caused the RV to spin when he tried to correct himself and he ended up running into a brush field flipping his RV. People...
  17. T

    I have a bad premonition that iam going to be involved in an accident on the...

    ...weekend what should i do? Its not a dream neither a vision. Iam just keep seeing myself getting hit by a car or getting beaten up, or someone knifes me or shoots me. It only happens when iam awake. I have this really bad feeling something very wrong is going to happen in a small trip to a...
  18. J

    Poll: Is there anyone that lost some years of their life due to an accident or...

    ...disability? Do you have? memory problems?
  19. M

    If my airbags in my volks wagon didnt deployed in an accident can i sue vw?

    i was in an accident and my airbags did not deployd. it was realy bad! the car looks totaled! only the passenger side did. witch was the side that git hit. but not the driver side or my steering wheel. and my face hit it but only got a fat lip.... wat u guys think???
  20. G

    Should I sue this person for hitting me? (bike accident)?

    I was riding my bike down a bike trail and it was raining. The bike trail leads to a 2-way intersection. I am riding at a fairly fast speed. I see that the car going to the right stopped, so I rode my bike on the street and then I see a car going to the left and it is slowing down, looking like...