
  1. M

    What's the absolute funniest movie of all time ?

    I'm thinking Office Space...But I remember this movie "bringing up baby" with Audrey Hepburn and I remember laughing my a** off..lol So what's your absolute funniest movie and why ? I really need to laugh my a** off for a while..
  2. R

    in your opinion what is the absolute WORST commercial on t.v. nowadays?

    in my opinion its ALL of those credit.com commercials... free, freetriple, etc... etc... i gotta tell you whenever those commercials come on i hit the mute button or change the channel. what's your pick and why?
  3. T

    Need help finding absolute cheapest cell phone?

    I need a super cheap cell phone (i dont use hardly any minutes), i thought of those Gophones but they make u pay by the month. Does anybody know of a plan where you only pay for exactly what you use?
  4. T

    Need help finding absolute cheapest cell phone?

    I need a super cheap cell phone (i dont use hardly any minutes), i thought of those Gophones but they make u pay by the month. Does anybody know of a plan where you only pay for exactly what you use?
  5. A

    whats the absolute lowest calories a day someone should eat to stay...

    ...healthy and lose weight? Im 5'10 and 170
  6. V

    Why are most American cars absolute garbage?

    Mpg, quality, and proper design... These seem to be the main problem I have been an ASE certified mechanic for about 3 1/2 years now I tell you, 2 out of 3 cars I work on are usually American I hate working on them and hate most engine designs It's a wonder that American car companies are going...
  7. J

    Absolute the best cancer cure is a snail?

    I found recently in a book that breast cancer cure can be a snail meal? I also heard that someone ate it and it helped. Now, some claim it only help some type of people but this person who ate it should not benefit from it according to the information-but it did. So it looks like it helps...
  8. M

    Who thinks the Republican conspiracy is absolute genius?

    Just imagine... in 2005 the Republicans created a tropical storm, nurtured it into a Category 3 hurricane, and brought is ashore in southern Louisiana in order to create our country's largest natural disaster. Just several days ago, the GOP did it again, and today brought the conspiracy to...