
  1. J

    What would a bruit in the Abdominal Aorta sound like?

    When listening to the abdominal Aorta through a stethoscope, what would be a normal sound and what would be an abnormal sound(like in an aneurysm)?
  2. J

    What would a bruit in the Abdominal Aorta sound like?

    When listening to the abdominal Aorta through a stethoscope, what would be a normal sound and what would be an abnormal sound(like in an aneurysm)?
  3. T

    Teresa has been complaining of severe abdominal pain, vaginal discharge,...

    ...and low grade fever.? She claims that she does not have a sexually transmitted disease, although the symptoms sound positive. What might be the doctor's diagnosis, and how should the condition be treated?
  4. J

    What would a bruit in the Abdominal Aorta sound like?

    When listening to the abdominal Aorta through a stethoscope, what would be a normal sound and what would be an abnormal sound(like in an aneurysm)?
  5. P

    great fitness exercises to work on abdominal muscles and lose weight in...

    ...legs, stomach and butt? pretty straight forward--- i don't mind intense diets no problem--- i dont drink anything but water, milk and ornge juice. No lollies but chocolate everynow and then. No takeaway and have my serves of fruit an veg, and i dont over eat i think laziness is my main...
  6. S

    Abdominal bruit & test results. Need expert opinion on results.?

    Two yrs. ago an intern heard a bruit upon my exam during a Dr. visit. Was sent for a MRI (MRA) and then to a specialist and he said it was nothing to worry about yet. The following in the test results, would like opinions from anyone in the medical field as to a follow-up. Finding; The...
  7. S

    Abdominal bruit & test results. Need expert opinion on results.?

    Two yrs. ago an intern heard a bruit upon my exam during a Dr. visit. Was sent for a MRI (MRA) and then to a specialist and he said it was nothing to worry about yet. The following in the test results, would like opinions from anyone in the medical field as to a follow-up. Finding; The...
  8. S

    Abdominal bruit & test results. Need expert opinion on results.?

    Two yrs. ago an intern heard a bruit upon my exam during a Dr. visit. Was sent for a MRI (MRA) and then to a specialist and he said it was nothing to worry about yet. The following in the test results, would like opinions from anyone in the medical field as to a follow-up. Finding; The...
  9. H


    Had These Symtoms For A Couple Of Days
  10. T

    Abdominal pain on my lower left side of abdomen towards end of my hip bone?

    Lying on my side helps the pain a little bit. It's not horrible horrible pain that is so bad I can't function, but it's painful enough to let me know something is wrong. I have had it since July of 2008 and I went to the doctor but they didn't know exactly what it was. He gave me a referral for...
  11. J

    Is there any Plastic Surgeons in Albuquerque NEW MEXICO that do Abdominal

    LipoSCULPTURE? Also has anybody done or seen this procedure....I want a 6 pack and sit ups arent working :(
  12. C

    What would cause left side abdominal pain?

    It is sorta located under my rib cage and hurts more when you push on it. Its not in my front or back, just on my left side but radiates towards my back. Not horrible pain, just enough to get my attention. Went to doc and she said it was probably a pulled muscle but doesn't feel better with meds.
  13. J

    what could this be?--right side abdominal pain?

    I have been having right side abdominal pain for over a year now, and it has progressively gotten worse. When it gets really bad, i also spike a fever. Recently, it has also been having spasms where it "rumbles & vibrates", it almost feels like something is about to explode. the pain is severe...
  14. D

    What is this pain in my abdominal area?

    It's not a bad pain, more like a nagging pain. It's just about an inch above my belly button on the left side. It's something that comes and goes, for a few days now. Longer actually. Some days I feel it, others I don't. It's not like a stabbing pain. I guess the best way to describe it is to...
  15. E

    When I lay down, I feel like there's a pocket of air in my lower abdominal....

    ...What is it? It's only on the left side though. It doesn't hurt or anything. But it's noticeable. Does anyone know what that could be?
  16. 1

    How can i get those Side abdominal muscles?

    I kind of have a six pack but not really just yet. i know some good ab exercises but i don't know of many that would REALLY target those side ab muscles. I don't mean the obliques ( I don't think?) but rather the muscles just to the left and right of the actual six pack. I guess it would be the...
  17. R

    How do women in fitness ads get toned, flat, abdominal areas, and no cellulite or...

    ...visible body fat? What could I do to improve my fitness routine to get the results I'm looking for? I have done aerobic exercise -usually running/jogging everyday for 8 years, and am the correct weight for my height. However, I'm in my early 30s and tend to store a bit of extra body fat in...
  18. C

    sharp lower abdominal pan and 12 weeks pregnants?

    I have a sharp abdominal pain. It just started today and I am wondering if harmfull. It began to hurt today when I lifted something heavy. What should I do?