
  1. A

    90% Of Americans Suffer From Headaches, Says Ouch-y Infographic

    Everyone hates headaches. Whether you suffer from severe migraines or just feel a throb when you're a bit under the weather, headaches are extremely common and extremely annoying. Check out this infographic to learn everything you always (or maybe never?) wanted to know about headaches and how...
  2. A

    90% Of French Wine Is Laced With Pesticides. Merde.

    A new study of French wine says that nine out of every ten bottles contain pesticide traces. Merde. More » 90% Of French Wine Is Laced With Pesticides. Merde. is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental health &...
  3. T

    Antioxidant Improves Donated Liver Survival Rate To More Than 90%

    Researchers from Italy have found that the antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), when injected prior to harvesting of the liver, significantly improves graft survival following transplantation. Results published in the February issue of Liver Transplantation, a journal of the American Association...
  4. W

    Why do 90% of the civil wars in the world involve one combantant-religion?

    Bing/Google search “civil wars in the world” and determine where they are being fought; then research each civil war and determine who is fighting in them. The results are startling: 90% of the them involve one combatant-religion -- Islam. Muslim extremists fight in China, Russia, Bosnia...
  5. W

    Why do 90% of the civil wars in the world involve one combantant-religion?

    Bing/Google search “civil wars in the world” and determine where they are being fought; then research each civil war and determine who is fighting in them. The results are startling: 90% of the them involve one combatant-religion -- Islam. Muslim extremists fight in China, Russia, Bosnia...
  6. I

    My iphone 4 has been dropping 90% of my calls, screen not responsive, nonstop

    vibrating? I bought my iPhone 4 in August 2011 so I haven't even had it for a whole year. About a month ago, it started dropping calls. I wouldn't be able to hear the person on the other line, but they could hear me. Then, the phone would just end the call (not even call failed). As time has...
  7. T

    Why do you think 90% of the people in the R&S section answer questions in a dogmatic

    Why do you think 90% of the people in the R&S section answer questions in a dogmatic and rude fashion? I am agnostic and I suppose I identify myself as an atheist. I really don't want to waste my time trying to figure out where I fall in the atheist-theist spectrum because it doesn't matter...
  8. W

    Why is it that 90% of religion bashers are atheist or agnostic?

    I meant bashing all religions (not leaving one out unbashed).
  9. G

    90% of Companies in Recent Survey Say They've Been Hacked in Last 12 Months [Factoid]

    In a five-day survey that polled public and private organizations both large and small, Ponemon research found that 90% of the companies asked had been hacked in the las 12 months. More »
  10. R

    Why do 90% of celebrity marriages end in divorce?

    ashlee simpson and pete wentz announced earlier this week their divorce. now katy parry and russel brand announced they're in marriage counseling on the brink of divorce! Why do celebs keep doing this?
  11. C

    Why?? Why do about 90% of gay males have such bad attitudes? Why do they...

    ...constantly argue and whine? Over the stupidest things? Did they get a large dose of PMS in their system? Female hormones??
  12. E

    why does my lg tv picture only show 90%?

    my Tv picture only show 90%
  13. S

    Why do 90% of the questions asked in Beauty and Style get deleted?

    I don't get it... if so many people want to ask 'what would you rate me' or 'guess my weight/age/ethnicity' can't they just leave those people alone? Obviously those questions are popular enough...if they hate it so much, maybe there could be a new section for guess my age/weight/ethnicity/rate me..
  14. T

    Over 90% Of Very Young US Kids Being Vaccinated, Say Authorities

    Over 90% of American 19-35 month-olds are being immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases, according to a new report issued by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The number of children who got no vaccinations at all is below 1%. Most experts and public health authorities...
  15. H

    Is it Christian God's motive to have 230 killed in Congo? where 90% population...

    ...are Christians? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/10500068.stm
  16. H

    Why is it that 90% of muslims men/women wait until marriage to have sex, but less...

    ...than 5 percent of christians? Christians, I'm being generous. I'm not muslim, in fact I'm christian. I didn't wait either, so I'm not judging. Just ask a question. I for one didn't wait because of the pressure from my parents. They used to say that a man needs to soak his leave...
  17. V

    Construct a 90% prediction interval for a single value of for the...

    ...following data; use x=100? x 140 119 103 91 65 29 24 y 25 29 46 70 88 112 128
  18. N

    Why Are Most american women (90%) Pure Trash?

    i've traveled the world, and nowhere on this planet will you find such fat, ugly, ignorant, and classless hags with an unbelievable sense of entitlement. perhaps that's why the usa has one of the highest divorce rates. these two sites confirm my observations...
  19. Z

    Had 90% of hollywood and the media been in McCains corner, who would be...

    ...President today? I still find it so amazing that some people refuse to believe that this tiny, tiny fraction of the population did not play THE most important role in Obama's victory. Can you, in all honesty, say they did not? What does this say about Americans? Not all Americans, but...
  20. T

    Hi is it true that the Xbox 360/20GB it is 90% Backwards Capability then the...

    ...60GB & 120GB consoles? Oh shit I mean Compatibility.