
  1. S

    What's the name of this '80s or '90s glam rock song?

    i actually liked this song 7 years ago on youtube... i dunno why, i remember the video and it seems kinda weird now, but finding it again would definitely bring back some memories :p Basially, it is a Glam rock song from the 80s-90s (dont know for sure). There are two guys(the band consisted of...
  2. M

    Pretty in pink 80s movie question?

    Did Steff, blaines bestfriend, used to like andie? I remember at the beginning of the movie when he was up against her car and he said "andie i've liked you for 4 years".... and at the end, when she gets to prom, blaine tells steff that he's just mad because andie was right about him. So...
  3. K

    Forgot the name of book i read in 80s?

    About a rook bands life on the road and experience with roadies and groupies
  4. A

    Name of an old sci-fi movie from the 80s?

    I remember this sci-fi movie from when I was a kid in the 80s that had cheesy special effects but it was a cool movie. I dont remember the name but it had Molly Ringwald and she was with a guy on a desert planet who was trying to kill another guy with metal claw hands and rescue these 3 chicks.
  5. B

    What are some good 80s workout/motivational songs?

    things similar to songs on the Rocky IV and karate Kid soundtrack..
  6. H

    how come a lot of my old 80s and 90s action movies seem better on dvd than blue ray?

    or is it because I do not have an hd tv? Do you think blue ray is over rated? I need some money right now to pay the bills and I dont watch my blue rays I bought because the dvd's are actually better picture and sound on my tv. or will it be worth it to keep once I invest in a new hd tv? or...
  7. D

    Would the 80s style/musical sound ever come back as big as it was in the 80s?

    I'm just tired of seing the same b.s in the new music/styles brought to us today. Hell, i can dress normal everyday. 80s had this look that i was very appealed to and today has a look that is just to damn normal "Everyone dresses the same... Even Girls dress like guys". On to music, the...
  8. A

    Need help finding an 80s childrens book?

    Its going to sound a little crazy,but its a book about a town finding a giant baby girl and they try to feed her,but she eats up everything and she grows up into a woman they try to clothe. I hope someone can find it,its such a cute book. Thank you:)
  9. T

    What is that song from the 80s that goes "ohweeeeeeoow san tong bom wah"?

    its sort of new wave and doesn't sound like its in english
  10. T

    What's the name of the wrestler from the 80s who chokes his opponent from

    behind while laughing in a crazy way? He used to wear a blue underwear..
  11. T

    What is that sci fi movie from the 80s or 90s where people are put into

    a battle arena of sorts? What is that sci fi movie from the 80s or 90s where people are put into a battle arena of sorts? I vaguely remember a vehicle they might have been launched into the area with that was shaped like a ball... I might be confusing multiple movies, but help if you can!
  12. R

    { What's your favourite Sci-Fi movie pre' 80s.}.?

    anyone remember 'This Island Earth' ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR7e3StbXoU
  13. R

    { What's your favourite Sci-Fi movie pre' 80s.}.?

    anyone remember 'This Island Earth' ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR7e3StbXoU
  14. H

    Best sport bike of the 90s or late 80s?

    I'm looking for a new bike but since I don't really want to buy a new one and get owned on insurance so I'm considering buying an older bike and spending a good amount to fix it up and keep it as both a commuter but also something to work on and enjoy (but not fix constantly..) These are the...
  15. A

    I want your best 80s sci-fi and adventure movies list!?

    Besides Goonies, Ghostbusters, and Back to the Future. GO! (p.s.- Thanks!)
  16. L

    about 80s music band that has lyrics in the song?

    whats the name of the song that has this lyric in it just wasting my time just just wasting my time
  17. P

    Old Animated Film from 80s or early 90s?

    What is that old animated movie with these underwater fairies or something? I'm guessing it was from the late 80s to early 90s? The characters lived in the ocean and had rabbit tails. There was a male character that was red and a female character who had green hair and an angler fish light on...
  18. V

    Can anyone recommend a decent non-mainstream film from the 80s?

    I would like to watch something along the lines of 'After Hours', where there is a lot going, a lot of characters and something a bit 'crazy'. But any film that is either very much steeped in 80s culture, or is about the 80s, would also be ideal. Suggestions?
  19. P

    Sci-Fi Movies with children as the main character's from the 80s?

    Like these The Explorers E.T. D.A.R.Y.L. Ect.
  20. P

    Sci-Fi Movies with children as the main character's from the 80s?

    Like these The Explorers E.T. D.A.R.Y.L. Ect.