
  1. G

    Great Gatsby? Great Drinksby! Top 10 Roaring '20s Cocktails

    It was the age of jazz, flappers, gangsters and Prohibition—as well as the setting for F. Scott Fitzgerald's acclaimed novel The Great Gatsby. With Baz Luhrmann's intoxicating...
  2. A

    20 Mistakes You Want To Make In Your 20?s

    1. Get on a train, or a subway car, or whatever mode of transportation you have where you are. Ride. Just ride it until it stops. Ride for hours. You will not like the experience. It will not be what they call “fun.” But you’ll see the sun come up, or the sun go down, and you’ll feel a sense of...
  3. J

    Best bars/lounges in New York City for guys in early 20s (21-23)?

    Hi, I've been in the bar/club/lounge scene for a year or so now. I've been to expensive places and dive bars, popular/hip places and no names alike. I find that I love going to places where the people are usually 26+ even though its harder to pick up women that age. Where in your opinions are...
  4. R

    What is a good club/lounge for people in their mid 20s to go to in Toronto, ON?

    Exactly what the question says, preferably somewhere you can dance and lounge, and where the crowd is relatively mature and not full of university students.
  5. R

    how can i find the song 20s on my cars 26s on my trucks?

    the song should be by master p cant find it trying to download it for free please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. A

    I have 17 inch rims and want to put 20s on my tahoe. After buying new tires

    will I be able to just put them on? Like I said, I have 17 inch rims on my 2007 Tahoe and I want to put on 20 inch rims. Do i simply have to buy new tires and the new rims and then put them on and I'm good to go? Or is there more I must do?
  7. K

    What can a guy in his 20s do alone during the holidays? I'm on vacation and

    family is too busy? workkkkkk and their tireddddd been staying home damn it's boringggg....i do spend time with them but their at work or sleeping...... i'm on vacation...i'm not anywhere close to my house I Have no friends here
  8. S

    Are you fed up seeing blackman in their late 20s driving BMW and Mercedes?

    I am a BNP supporter and i am not against ethnic minority at all.. I just hate seeing black man coming to driving around in this flashy cars picking up vulnerable white girls and then getting them pregnant- -they should drive an OLD BANGER instead
  9. H

    are women in their 20s and older also attracted to justin bieber? if so, what is...

    ...it about him? is there something about the way he looks that sets him apart from other teen boys? if so, what is it? the only thing i can really pick out about his looks that sets him apart of from other boys his age is that he looks YOUNGER than 16. he actually looks more like he's 13. is...
  10. N

    Guys in your late 20s, would you know a girl is interested if she?

    Smiles at you everytime you passed her desk? He's 29, been single for quite awhile now, I'm 21. We had this pretty awkward (to me) stare-off when we first met each other. Initially, he used to just look at me and have eye contact and hanging ard my desk etc. I spoke to him 2days ago. We...
  11. I

    Is it Less Likely I won"t be Diagnosed with a Disorder cos im in My 20s Than...

    ...if i was in School? I was just wondering if it is cos I have very bad social skills I cant even go out at all only if theres somebody there with me and have bad anxiety problems and depression with quite a lot of mood swings.?
  12. N

    Do People Lose Their Fitness Level As They Get Older - From Teens To 20s?

    I am a 25 year old male. Today, I was taking my daily constitutional around my neightborhood, as I do every evening. I ran into an old classrmate who I have not seen since high school seven years ago. He is also a 25 year old male. I remember that, in high school, he was one of the fittest...
  13. M

    If characters from the Bible didn't wait to have sex in their mid 20s to their

    30s, why should we? Most people don't get married until they get out of college and are anywhere from their mid 20s to 30s. Although there are exceptions like when some get married at 18 and early 20s, that's usually not the case, I'm going on what the average age range is amoung millions of...
  14. T

    Overweight In 20s Could Lead To Serious Problems In 40s

    People who are obese and have type 2 diabetes in their 20s will be at higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke in their 40s if they do not change their lifestyle. ""If your blood pressure is 136/88 and you're a man with a waist over 40 or a woman with a waist over 35 it spells trouble,"...
  15. M

    FAMOUS MOVIE STARS OF THE '20s, '30s, or '40s?

    HELP! I really need some help finding famous movie stars in these time periods.
  16. N

    What's a good book for someone in their 20s?

    I've read a lot of classics already. I'm really looking for novels that are easy to get into, entertaining and I don't care about the genre. It could be set in the present, the past, the future, etc. I just want something good to sink my teeth into. lol. ;-)
  17. M

    Is there any stores with 1900, 10, 20s, 30s, or 40s style clothing with a modern

    edge? Any of those eras, I really like the clothing style, and I was just wondering if there were any stores that had clothes that were the same theme as those eras but had a modern twist to it. thanks :)
  18. I

    Would you say that your early to Mid 20s rapidly change?

    Between 20-25 would you say that you see a lot of changes? Or even a really hectic time in life? Relationships forming, new friendships, old friends leaving, trying to find yourself in life? Graduating college? I sometimes find this very overwhelming.
  19. E

    If I shave my mid 20s daughters head, will this make her hair grow back thicker?

    I am asking Muslims this question because they seem to know more about the subject.
  20. D

    Heart palpitations early 20s?

    I'm 22 (female) and have been having heart palpitations for the past 2 days. They have been happening maybe twice every 5 minutes. Today I've only had them 3 or 4 times. I don't feel out of breath or anything...maybe just a little tired at times. I am concerned because I am so young and this...