
  1. G

    Genius Artist Recreates 15th Century Portraits in Airplane Lavatory [Photography]

    Innovators: they walk among us, work near us, and sit in the seat across the aisle on airplanes. Though typical solutions to making a long flight go by faster include reading, watching movies, listening to music, or sleeping, pioneers like artist Nina Katchadourian aspire to a higher-minded way...
  2. G

    Diablo III hit shelves 15th May

    Battle.net presales for the hottest game of 2012 now live.
  3. D

    Is Economics Today, The macro view, and the micro view 15th edition by Roger Miller

    same as Economics Today? I'm trying sell my girlfriend's book When I type in ISBN # Economics Today comes up but her book is Economic Today macro view and micro view. They both have different covers but hers shows a picture of Economics Today on the front of the cover.
  4. G

    Google Chromebook ordering starts 15th June

    Chromebooks will be available online June 15 in the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy and Spain. In the U.S it will be available from Amazon and Best Buy.
  5. M

    What was the fashion of the 15th century?

    I'm looking to know what was the casual wear, formal wear, athletic wear, children clothes, etc.
  6. M

    What was the fashion of the 15th century?

    I'm looking to know what was the casual wear, formal wear, athletic wear, children clothes, etc.
  7. M

    What was the fashion of the 15th century?

    I'm looking to know what was the casual wear, formal wear, athletic wear, children clothes, etc.
  8. R

    15th Birthday Party: Cake decorating or cooking. Help?

    Hi Everyonee I'm having my 15th birthday party and I wanted it to be like a cooking class or cake decorating kind of party. We were going to go to a superstore cooking party but it needs at minimum 12 people and I only have 4 or 5 people. I'm looking for something good but inexpensive and...
  9. L

    I heard GamerCrypt has bought c2gnation and their 15th prestige lobbys?

    Has anyone been to c2gnation in a while? I heard Gamer Crypt has bought out the prestige part of their site. Just wondering since GamerCrypt is new on the gaming scene.
  10. C

    Verizon data package please answer before feb. 15th?

    Okay I want a touch phone, but I can't get one cause my dad doesn't want to pay for it, my friend has the Internet blocked on her phone and she pays $5 a month for the Internet, we have the same company, so I am woundering if I can do that too?
  11. A

    ! am a boy who s best friend s 15th birthday next week who likes quad biking

    what is the best quote for him? i didnt find an quot that includes best friend and also includes atving +15th birth day i want some help pls
  12. T

    "Consumer Choice" Award Goes To The Johns Hopkins Hospital For The 15th Consecutive Y

    "Consumer Choice" Award Goes To The Johns Hopkins Hospital For The 15th Consecutive Y For the 15th straight year, the National Research Corporation (NRC) has given The Johns Hopkins Hospital its Consumer Choice Award for the Baltimore region. For 2010-2011, Hopkins also was rated as the top...
  13. L

    My bike was stolen this week between 1-5th november?

    is there ANY sense in investigation or even report it to the police? there is only 1 assumpion of who it MIGHT be, a person from close neighbourhood who has regular police 'visits' and there are other household being robbed of 2 bikes too. unfortunately, i live in chavvy area so theres a wide...
  14. C

    French League Soccer August 15th Predict and Discuss : Lyon vs. Caen : Who Will

    Win and Why? just wondering what is every ones thoughts are on the game tomorrow? give score prediction as well please :)
  15. P

    Does anyone have copies of the assessments from "Concepts of Physical Fitness 15th

    Does anyone have copies of the assessments from "Concepts of Physical Fitness 15th Edition?"? If so, this would save me from failing a class and about 1000 dollars. I bought the book used online and these pages were torn from it. I now have the assessments due tomorrow with no way to do them...
  16. E

    15th birthday party ideas?

    Okay so i'm turning 15 on May 8th. Im going to have it at a beach, and im not sure how the weather will be that day. Im trying to think of things to do and what games to play. Please no kid games like making a boat and sitting on the sand and making an imaginary journey to the Neverlands or...
  17. E

    15th birthday party ideas?

    Okay so i'm turning 15 on May 8th. Im going to have it at a beach, and im not sure how the weather will be that day. Im trying to think of things to do and what games to play. Please no kid games like making a boat and sitting on the sand and making an imaginary journey to the Neverlands or...
  18. Planning my 15th birthday party, Mad Hatter style...?

    So I've always wanted a themed party, and since people take on more responsibilities at the age of 16, I thought I would celebrate the time I have without these responsibilities by having a sort of child-like party, hence the Mad Hatter idea. It will be at the very end of Australia's winter...
  19. N

    What should i do for my 15th Birthday? please help lol i have no clue!!!?

    What should i do for my 15th Birthday? please help lol i have no clue what to do!
  20. A

    Hamlin and Cluskey 15th and 15th in after two runs

    Erin Hamlin (Remsen, N.Y.) was in 15th place and Julia Clukey (Augusta, Maine) was 16th at the halfway point of the women’s singles luge competition at the Whistler Sliding Center. Hamlin’s total time of 1:24.054 after two runs left her 0.813 seconds behind the leader, Germany’s Tatjana Huefner...