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  1. L

    post your favorite quote

    "Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." -Jerry Garcia "I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly." -Winston Churchill "If you treat people right they will treat you right... ninety percent of the time." -Franklin D...
  2. L


    so whats everyone doing or going as? i just ordered my costum, going as michael myers im prob gonna be rather low key, have some friends over to watch horror movies after giving out candy. might go to a party though if anything cool is going on, will have to see
  3. L

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    going on a nostalgia trip. iofftopic reinstall and replay fallout 1
  4. L

    Woman of the year 2006

    thas got my vote too petal
  5. L

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

    The World As We Know it
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    wtf $350 yoyo?

    My friend in the eighth grade was obsessed with yoyos, he later won the Texas state yoyo championship. He had the nicest fucking collection of yoyos I'd ever seen, it was ridiculous. I think his most expensive one was only like $60 though.
  7. L

    The World Cup

    Let's wait and see what Zidane says and then we will at least have his side of the story... Razor: To be honest though the fact that Matarazzi did not immediately say "Look I just told him to wipe his ass with his shirt" does seem a bit suspect. I mean if you just said something stupid but...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Didn't i say life wasn't fair
  9. L

    What do you think of the disturbing trend of guys hitting up girls on Facebook?

    I will be the first to admit I'm a push-over. I do not own a cell phone, so that way I don't have to feel bad about not giving someone my number. Had too many problems in the past with that. Now I just say I don't have one. But I still have Facebook. So guys are getting around the whole no-cell...
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    my son finally born

    congrats man. i didnt know babies were born with so much hair tho haha
  11. L

    Obama vs. McCain

    Then they failed at life. They should have paid attention in school, gotten good grades, went to a good university and gotten a good job, or opened their own business. They made bad choices in life now they SHOULD have to live with them. People who are poor their whole lives (In the US) are...
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    How can I pwn a bonfire party some nub is having tonight?

    Holy shit. Couldn't have said it better myself. Srsly.
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    Meet me and moi

    Simon you should come along! Get a train to cardiff
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    I guess you think Im nuts!?

    Nothing wrong with getting two dogs, we've always had a couple of dogs running around the yard. They keep each other entertained, wrestle, race, sleep together in the cold etc. Just make sure that you give the first dog enough attention to keep it from getting to jealous.
  15. L

    Should a male use the expression comfort food?

    I think the issue of comfort eating is more pressing than linguistics....
  16. L

    ConDem Housing Policy? Take at read at the link and I'm pretty sure you can start to answer your own question.