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  1. C

    Would it be okay to kill of a lot of my characters in the story I'm writing?

    I think you've missed that what you need is a compelling plot and characters who people care about. If your compelling plot has character death in it, sure, go for it. But you can't make a plot compelling just by throwing gore at it. " I mean, death happens all the time, right?" Yes, but the...
  2. C

    Roger the cabin boy, don't you know it's actually Tom the cabin boy?

    There are a whole bunch of urban myths about the Captain Pugwash names. (is old enough to actually remember it).
  3. C

    Do you think Twilight is an autobiographical novel?

    Self-insert is not the same as autobiographical. No, it's not autobiographical, on the grounds that none of the things in it actually happened.
  4. C

    10PTS! Last question, please describe this scene?

    " This will be the last question about this topic" " I swear I will never ask this same question again." You said this yesterday too. Why would we believe you this time? Go find a different hobby, if you don't want to write.
  5. C

    Ok, I guess I'll ask a different me please!?

    I'll tell you which story plot has given me the most nightmares over the years. It's from Alan Garner's "Weirdstone of Brisingamen" and the protagonists are being chased through caves. The only way out is an _incredibly_ narrow tunnel (think rabbit hole) and at one point there is a flooded sump...
  6. C

    Where can i read books online/download??? help please? Tens of thousands of legally free books. If you are looking for a "free" copy of a modern commercial novel, be aware that any posted online are stolen and downloading them is illegal. Also be aware that "look, a free download of Trendy Novel!" is a favourite technique for...
  7. C

    Why in Y!A - 'Books & Authors' subcategory falls into the category of...

    Because writing is an art. Where else would you put it? If you want to ask specifically about the "book" nature of what you are writing, it goes here. If you want to ask about the science, it goes in the science section. And so on.
  8. C

    Would you read a memoir about a girl in high school?

    There are thousands. They've all been vanity published, because they're, to be blunt, dull. I don't want to read someone else's recap of being a girl in high school. I've been a girl in high school and it was thoroughly boring. I want to read things which are interesting, different, uplifting...
  9. C

    What do you think about my story? Depressing... I am in 7th grade by the way :)

    You need to pick a tense and stick with it - this wanders randomly around between past and present. Apart from that? Why don't you pick something you know about and care about, instead of trying to reproduce teen wangst which you won't even have experienced yet? The main problem this has is...
  10. C

    Do you need a degree to be a successful writer?

    No. But most people who are literate, coherent, thorough and dedicated enough to be successful writers also have degrees.
  11. C

    Does any one help me in finding a novel written in "British upper class" literature?

    Doesn't exist. Sorry. We don't have that sort of upper class. Unless you mean a novel written a couple of hundred years ago, when working class people probably couldn't read and write. Still won't be written using what you seem to think is a whole other dialect, though. You could try Jane...
  12. C

    Can someone explain why this argument is invalid: "If Paco becomes a yoga

    Gee, three logic argument questions from three different accounts in the past few minutes. What's the chance? Reported as spam. Your sockpuppet accounts, too.
  13. C

    How do I keep this character in the story?

    She's afraid that if she turns him loose he'll betray her, and too squeamish to kill him? You're asking yourself the wrong question, though. It shouldn't be "How do I keep this character in the story?" - it should be "Do I keep this character in the story?" And, honestly, it sounds like your...
  14. C

    Is this opening to a novel too essay sounding?

    It's too preachy and all-knowing. Your character is 17. These people are her friends. Why is she friends with them at all if they are so completely, fundamentally different from her? Yes, this is the idea everyone has at her age, _including her_.
  15. C

    Answer marked wrong on my chem quiz?

    It's B. Chemical behaviour is pretty much entirely determined by electron structure - the nucleus is so tiny that it isn't involved (when it is involved, you're studying particle physics reactions). Going down, for instance, the first group, they all have one electron in the valence shell. I'm...
  16. C

    Constructive criticism on the opener of my sci-fi story so far (re-post)?

    I think it's exactly the same as all the other times you've posted it. And I don't just mean today, I mean from 7 months ago.;_ylt=Av_f1G3q4X3aKEtFFt90q5bty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110414111330AAQnrAz He _still_ sounds like a teen girl. Pretty sure I told you...
  17. C

    A male witth shaggy black hair and bright bue eyes..?

    Why do you need a real person to write a story? Make someone up. That's what writers do.
  18. C

    10 POINTS!! how do you get ink off a book?

    You can't. Use correction fluid, and try friends who are older than eight.
  19. C

    Can anyone write a scary short story? Few sentences. Best answer given within

    I stopped doing ten year olds' homework when I was ten. Half a page? Don't be so lazy.
  20. C

    What do you think of my story ? Please answer. Thanks !?

    I think it's exactly the same as the last time you posted it. I rather lost interest at "thick air". He's outdoors in a forest. The only reason the air is "thick" is because you thought sprinkling your work with random adjectives would improve it. It doesn't.