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  1. J

    will or does the fiat 500e come in convertible?

    does anyone know if the fiat 500e comes in convertible yet? or if there are plans for it. deciding between the e and the 500c. but love the topless aspect. also considering the abart topless but.. it doesnt look as retro also does anyone know any other cars that compare.. like the vw 2013...
  2. J

    anxiety disorder + phone interview?

    Wondering if anyone has any advice for me. I deal with GAD.. I also have little bit of a learning disorder when it comes to math/technical things I have a phone interview coming soon and feel really unprepared and nervous. I feel like I'm a good fit for the position, and I do well in writing...
  3. J

    what did you see or hear today that made you laugh?

    what was it?? explain! why did it make u laugh?
  4. J

    What are your opinions on the Alexandra Wallace UCLA rant?

    'about asians int he library' do u think it was just ignorance, and lack of political correctness? or racism? do you think its good shes leaving the school?
  5. J

    how do i change the password of my email on my blackberry? (bold)?

    i am unable to send email from my blackberry bold. i think its cuz.. my password was rcently changed on aol. how do i change my password for the email adress on my phone?
  6. J

    how can i support bloomberg's proposal to ban cigarette smoking in the park etc.?

    i heard his idea on the radio.. i fuckin love it.. i am so tired of getting tobacco smoke blown in my face. we have enough pollution.. as is.. the added fumes is nonsense.. and it unnecessarily puts others at risk.
  7. J

    what kind of tropical fish tank is best to buy at walmart?

    for only 1 beta fish... maybe two so i can fit a heater and filter in there
  8. J

    what is the best type of heater for a tropical fish tank?

    and how do you actually attach the filter on to the tank? and.. how much should one be paying for the tank
  9. J

    how do you travel with tropical fish?

    lets say in a car.. if u cant plug in a heater...
  10. J

    how do you travel with tropical fish?

    lets say in a car.. if u cant plug in a heater...
  11. J

    Did someone figure out your sexuality before you told them?

    some prolly assume.. but im sure no can tell with me right off the bat
  12. J

    Did someone figure out your sexuality before you told them?

    some prolly assume.. but im sure no can tell with me right off the bat
  13. J

    Does anyone else have a lot of problem with their blackberry bold?

    mine keeps spazzing out and deleting all my pictures.. and sometimes i cant dial etc.. whats wrong with it.. it was mad expensive.. why all the problems?
  14. J

    advice for a college student who wants to give up internet/youtube?

    i wouldnt say im addicted as some people can be.. but i go on you know for six hours sometimes.. and i know i can be more productive.. ive given up tv.. and while i can say that has led me to be on the internet even more.. growing up i know want to give it up, i dont like the habit of it.. the...
  15. J

    FBI can hear us even when our cell phones are off? (speaker phone)?

    i just saw a report about how the fbi can listen to our conversations through the speakerphone in our own cell phones.. i heard this was used before.. to here critical conversations of the mafia.. what do u guys think?
  16. J

    How should i handle this?

    with my mother, everytime i talk to her, she thinks im attacking her. because we fought so many times in the past. she doesnt hear what im saying when i talk, and when she doesnt care about what im saying or doesnt know how to respond she says.. stop attacking me.. and then i flip out because im...
  17. J

    Blackberry bold + my trackball is stuck, how can i fix it?

    i heard you can remove the trackball on some blackberrys, has anyone done this on the bold? if so , how? my trackball won't scroll down. ; (
  18. J

    where can i watch bill Maher's documentary, Religulous?

    i cant find it for some reason
  19. J

    is it safe for me to take this 300mg fish oil every day?

    im 18 years old 113 pounds.. i take an organic vitamins (2 a day) and this fishoil once a day.. i got it from gnc. do u guys think that its safe.. or am i doing more damage than good. ?cuz i heard somewhere that certain doses or whatnot of vitamins could actually be bad for you. what do you guys...
  20. J

    can i use my Blackberry internet in another country?

    Im going to Israel in two days.. and i was wondering if i could use my blackberry there just for internet. do you know if the internet will work there at all? if i will be charged extra? or if it wont work at all? i have a talk and save phone for calls . so i would only need my bb for internet...