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  1. M

    if I'm downloading a file with bittorrent,is it possible to continue it with...

    ...utorrent? I've already downloaded 46% of a file with bittorrent but the spped has become very slow now.bittorrent doesn't support port test it possible to continue my download with utorrent?
  2. M

    Monotheistic religions that don't use fear as condition for believing in God?

    Are there any monotheistic religions that don't threaten you with fear of God's wrath and hell and don't require you to be fearful of God as a necessary condition for that faith?
  3. M

    I always have extremely VIVID dreams?

    I don't but I think that having such dreams mean that you're away from God.
  4. M

    do u think ,we can trust or luv a guy thru net chat alone?

    You can't trust people on the Internet.
  5. M

    I created a .torrent file for my photos and want to rename the photo folders....

    ...Will the .torrent still work? Basically, I want to standardize the naming convention on my c: drive. I created some torrent files to share my photos with my family and friends overseas a long time ago. The torrents link to various top-level folders that are named "event.names.yyyy-mm-dd"...
  6. M

    Does Yahoo delete questions about BitTorrent or P2P?

    I had posted 2 questions asking for software help and now they're "deleted" and I didn't delete them. Then I posted this question and it's not in my list of questions anymore...
  7. M

    which of these things are made differently for left and right handed people?

    1.umbrella clubs 3.hedge clippers 4.manual can opener 5.scissors 6.screw driver glove ???
  8. M

    If I'm actively up/downloading a file in BitTorrent, will my computer go to

    sleep in Windows 7? I'm familiar with the various power options in Windows 7. I want my files to up/download over night, and I've already set it up so the computer will "NEVER" sleep as a temporary workaround but I don't want to leave that as a permanent setting. If I open Power Options =>...
  9. M

    Why do I have so many Verizon Wireless rebate card offers?

    I had no idea there was a rebate center online. It seems like the first time I upgraded my phone, the rebate was mailed in or something. Recently, I upgraded my phone again and found out I could print the rebate form online. While looking up the rebate for my recent purchase, I found like 9...
  10. M

    What the fastest way to get your legs and bun in shape?

    I have swimming next week for gym.
  11. M

    Question about Internet Properties & Security Settings?

    There's something strange happening with my computer. I’ve noticed it on and off acting odd, like it will scroll on its own. For example, if I scroll up or down, the screen will move. Is my computer haunted? Well, today I checked under Internet Properties ---> Security Settings and it’s moving...
  12. M

    I need an username, care to help?

    I'm going to register on the Repo! the genetic opera forum and I need an username but I have no idea what to use. Any recomendations are appriciated but try to keep it dark or close to the theme of the movie. Thanks.
  13. M

    Who was your first celebrity crush. And who is your current?

    I used to have a crush on one of the Ninja Turtles. The one with the purple headband.
  14. M

    What is a nice (female) name for a kitten?

    That's a beautiful name for the kitten. Very creative. You should give her that name. Hope you find the right name! Good Luck!
  15. M

    A little question about the iPod nano..?

    Ok when I first got my iPod I thought that it would be a good idea to set a lock code for the volume control. Now I think of it as a crazy idea and I wish that I never would have thought of it! I set my code as 2214. It doesn't work. So I tried all zeros and a number or two within the code...
  16. M

    English People Are so Rude !!?

    my recent roommate is from England and is he so arrogant, rude and most of all ignorant. he has been highly abusive toward me and always talks about America too. He lives here in the united states and i dont understand why does he if he dislikes it so much. I am not american by nationality, i am...
  17. M

    Any ideas for adding music into My Documents?

    ok...i know how to save a file and stuffs but like putting a song into your My Documents so that I can put it into itunes. I already know how to drag the song into the itunes too, but I just need to find a website where you can save your songs into My Documents. Any advice? Thanks so much
  18. M

    My Relationship with my parents ?

    I grew up in the household of 6 (parents and 4 daughters), me being the youngest. By the time i came in the picture, my mother was exhausted raising children and so i think she did not put as much love into raising me than putting in frustration. i do not remeber many days of love and glad from...
  19. M

    Is it possible to fall in love with someone you met on the internet?

    Well I don't exactly know if I should say anything, but there's this guy I know on myspace and I've been going out with him for about 4 months now....and I met him 2 years ago on myspace. Pretty much he told me(now that we're together)that he fell in love with me the first time he talked to...