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  1. F

    Where can i Print Proper Professional Paper DVD Cases?

    Hi, I want to make DVDs for my short film and I really want to make original paper DVD foldable cases. Not square DVD sleeves, but proper DVD size cases but made of paper/recycled/sustainable material like for example what you find with collectible DVDs like A.I.(2001) or Bombay Beach (2011). I...
  2. F

    Where Can I Print Proper Professional Paper DVD Cases?

    Hi, I want to make DVDs for my short film and I really want to make original paper DVD foldable cases. Not square DVD sleeves, but proper DVD size cases but made of paper/recycled/sustainable material like for example what you find with collectible DVDs like A.I.(2001) or Bombay Beach (2011). I...
  3. F

    Can a parent call the police on a child for not doing dishes?

    I'm pretty sure they can't !
  4. F

    Do you feed your kids mostly cooked or raw veggies?

    We are a salad and raw veggie type of family, for the most part. I think veggies just taste better raw. Which do you and your kids prefer?
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    A recipe for pork steaks?

    I'm cooking an easter dinner for me and my fiance, and am looking for a recipe for pork steaks that will work well with a 'sunday dinner' set up (ie roasties and veg). My fiance is a veggie so i just brought a thin pork steak for myself, but i don't usually eat pork so am looking for a nice way...
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    Is the Honda Jazz an 'old' person car?

    I'm considering buying a Honda Jazz for my first car when i pass my test, as i love the look of it, the fact that its cheap to run and insure, and that it's reliable and safe. Only thing is, i'm 20 and i only ever seem to see older people (as in 50 or over!) driving the car and that kinda puts...
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    Do you believe that most celebrities are into the new age occult?

    Do you think that most of them believe in challenging spirits?
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    LOST season 5 question?

    That is a really good question. I think they might have been separated from Sawyer and company when the beach was attacked by burning arrows...or whatever that was...... But I may be wrong.
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    Gossip Girl, 90210, Desperate Housewives?

    I live in Canada and these shows haven't had new episodes in a few weeks. Does anyone know when new ones will be on? thankyou
  10. F

    What is the best pick up line?

    No pick up lines work. Just be sweet, give your jacket if they are cold, listen, dont flirt with other girls. Dont call us girls hot. It is not attractive!
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    Question about a torrent file?

    i was trying to download Desperate Housewives on my computer and i read a Yahoo question so i went to that website and i clicked on the episode i wanted and it dowloaded and when i right-clicked "open" it is starting to dowload through limewire. I dont have a torrent program and not very sure of...
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    Internet keeps crashing?

    Hi all, My facebook acount managed to get a virus so i downloaded avg anti virus and removed all the issues. However now when i click on my internet symbol it doesnt load the home page and just freezes. The only way i can use the internet is if i run with add ons disabled. I use internet explore...
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    What is this song...delicate, tinkling bells?

    love it, very pretty and relaxing. wish i coulda helped out, sorry
  14. F

    The Burglar ?

    HAHAHA! LOL...XD...looooooove iiiiit! i haven't heard that one either.
  15. F

    Will he ever want to be bf/gf instead of "more than friends"?

    I'm 15, him 14. We've been great friends for years and he tends to like diff girls alot. In the summer, its been over a month now, we've been hanging out more and going to movies and stuff. He hasnt asked me to be his gf or anything and we had a little argument yesterday but today hes like "so...
  16. F

    Im going on vacation with my crush. . .?

    Theres 4 of us(we're bffs) us 3 girls and him. We're camping but gonna be on the beach a lot, drive-in movies, shopping and stuff. We used to go out but broke up and my friends(girls) say he kinda likes me again. I like him too. Should i make a move?(if so what?) Thankyou haha he's far from...
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    Where can I get a fishing license in Breckenridge, Colorado at 8:30 pm?

    Call WalMart. I've gone there before. I'm in NH, but if my store does it , maybe yours's worth the call?
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    What religion are you?

    i grew up catholic, became a christian in 98. and no, i am at peace right here where i am
  19. F

    Has anyone ever experienced the Hollywood kiss?

    unfortunetly no, i dont think such a kiss exists in real life sadly