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  1. N

    When it comes to exploration and space travel, do terms like "unmanned" bother women?

    no it means hands on and hands off, i.e direct human involvement or no direct human involvement. un-1 a prefix meaning “not,” freely used as an English formative, giving negative or opposite force in adjectives and their derivative adverbs and nouns Manned worked by hand un-manned not worked...
  2. N

    I'm REALLYYYYYY FAT. Which means I'm incredibly unattractive to 99% of the...

    That's nothing i'm a 5'2 adult male beat that.
  3. N

    Why is it that females tend to have a good sense of humor on the internet?

    being able to laugh and being able to tell a good joke are two very different things Men's better grasp at humour would be wasted if women could not be made to laugh the internet is irrelevant
  4. N

    how long after eating can you purge. . .?

    purging is very bad unlike vomiting because of illness your body won't neutralise your stomach acid this cause both throat and teeth damage.