Search results

  1. W

    What happened to Knight_Commander?

    It's like the secret police wisked him away or something, I went to check his journal, and it was gone, I checked the members list, he wasn't there, I searched for his posts and could find any, what's going on here? Am I the only one that noticed this?
  2. W

    Post your virgin pictures

    I thought the OP was asking for pictures of our hymens and things like that. My bad.
  3. W

    Australian Viewpoint

    The main problem I had with it is when he said that Australia is not willing to change. To me that implies he doesn't believe muslims can inspire positive change and that is an offensive belief.
  4. W

    I Hate We "The People"

    I Hate We "The People" Good thing I brought my SNORKEL!!!
  5. W

    Goddbye To You All

    Same as where I work then, only I get to sit on the net as well as chat and flick elastic bands. Nothing wrong with working to support yourself, whatever it is you're doing. It beats others having to work to support YOU And it's plenty do-able when you're a student too.
  6. W

    Post pictures of yourself V. I dunno

    Picture of my GF.
  7. W

    LOL at super mario galaxy

    Sorta not really.
  8. W

    What Would ST Do?

  9. W

    What the fuck, Pepsi?

    This is actually scientifically proven. Shoulder salt content is highest anywhere throughout the body and contains a special pigmentation that can cause various chemical reactions. It will fizz because the shoulder area is the only place that contains this extra salt build up...
  10. W

    Seasonal deliciousness!

    Hey dudes and dude-lettes (Dude-lings? Dude-ls? Dude-zillas?) Maybe because I haven't seen it being asked, maybe because I'm currently slow cooking some nightmare concoction in the kitchen or maybe I'm secretly fishing for cooking recipes, I wanted to ask: What's your favourite seasonal...
  11. W

    podcast suggestions?

    In Our Time, the Radio 4 programme has every episode available online. Listen to them all and you'll be the cleverest man alive. Mitch
  12. W

    The sailing thread

    The Pico is the slower more family oriented dingy in the laser range. It's difficult to turn over and is easily righted if you do. I chose it because it's a 2 man boat which makes sailing a bit more fun when he can take a friend along. Once it has a mylar race sail is should really motor. I...
  13. W

    Favorite Ice Cream Place

  14. W

    6 months to go till the end of the world...Are you prepared?

    Can't find a source on it but I was told recently that there was a miscalculation and EOTW was put on hold for 100 years or so. Which of course is not to say that zombies won't attack tomorrow.
  15. W

    Summer break is almost at an end

    Starting a new school as a senior tomorrow. This is gonna be weird.
  16. W

    Upset, want to know if I am wrong for it.

    So in this family we have... Girlfriend: Expects someone living in her place to pay rent (doesn't everyone expect that?). Doesn't feel that her home is worth inviting people to. Probably loves the baby. Brother: Bit of a sponger. Doesn't like people saying his baby makes them nauseous. Uncle...
  17. W

    Verbal and Emotional Abuse

    Hmm, somebody isn't a very understanding individual. Things aren't always that easy and you're throwing out a gross generalization that's blanketing every single unhappy relationship. I agree with your opinion in certain situations though. Hope nobody goes to you for advice on relationships...
  18. W

    anyone here know any languages other than English?

    Yes, I've got an odd one for you, Marshallese. I lived in the republic of the Marshall Islands for 20 years.