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  1. P

    Why does Reform Judaism liberlize easier than Christanity?

    In North American Reform Judaism accepts LGBT people and doesn't classify it as a sin (In the states that allow it and Canada it will marry same sex couples) . I just wonder how they deal with Leviticus as that has more weight in Judaism than it does in Christanity, which is having a problem...
  2. P

    Does religion only survive through fear?

    Fear that if you are bad you are going to spend eternity in a horrible place where you are tortured forever and ever?
  3. P

    Is the JW policy of constantly predicting Armageddon kinda smart?

    If they claim its coming so often, then the chances are increased of them being right
  4. P

    How is Atheism a religion?

    I fail to understand the logic of this argument. I don't believe in either God, an Afterlife or anything of the sort so how is it a religion. My morals come from my parents and empathy, not what is written in an ancient book written by men CalleyD - Its a lack of believe, I only accept what...
  5. P

    I think I am an Atheist, but I am started to become interested in Buddhism, anyone

    have any ideas? Recently I have noticed that Christianity is full of hypocrites, intolerance and politics which has well driven me away from it. I have looked at the Bible critically and well respectfully its a load of nonsense, full of Talking Donkeys, Man walking on water, some vengeful being...
  6. P

    Why is Religion so influential in politics in the US?

    I mean the less religious states like Massachusetts and Maine are more to the left, and the more religious states like Mississippi and Alabama are more to the right. alan h - Not entirely, UKIP a very right wing party are full of Christians believing in "Family Values" , same with the Tories...
  7. P

    Why shouldn't LGBT issues be discussed in Sex Education?

    I went to school in England, and the Sex Ed we had was all heterosexual man and woman, married to have a baby. As a gay guy it didn't really make it easier to accept myself, I was in the closet so I couldn't ask the teacher about it. Should LGBT topic get a mention in sex education, I mean...