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  1. A

    Any quick tips to alleviateing this injury in Karate? Best Answer.?

    Ok, so I do Shotokan Karate. Anywho... I was sparring this morning with a friend of mine who does Boka Tau (I have no idea how its spelled). I threw a roundhouse kick at his ribs and is his styles way, he blocked it with his knee and it caught the muscle on the side of...
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    Where can I watch Naruto Shippuden in English? Best Answer!?

    Like the title says I want to watch Naruto Shippuden but I do not like reading subtitles. Nothing against them and I have respect for the Japanese actors and all..its just frankly I'm lazy and hate having to read them, just takes away some of the enjoyment for me. Also...with subtitles I have to...