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  1. P

    Do you think gay teachers who rant about psychotic principals are PSYCHOTIC

    themselves? Especially when they use that rant to justify ripping off California taxpayers via a union? And furthermore, would you want your fifth grader having a teacher who is PSYCHOTIC?
  2. P

    When Clinton arrived at the White House yesterday, was he greeted by a receiving...

    ...line of chubby interns? In blue dresses?
  3. P

    Did Janet "The Bull" Napolitano miss the boat by rolling out the new...

    ...grope policy after Halloween? A few weeks before Halloween and a potential new costume idea would have been born, a Blueshirt with a rubber glove, or something like that. Oh well, maybe by next Halloween the Blueshirts will be in full storm trooper regalia and that can be spoofed.
  4. P

    Can Roger Goodell pass an emergency mercy rule for the Cowboys tonight?

    Or should he wait until Green Bay gets it to 52?
  5. P

    Have you noticed the Obama "Hope and Change" tour is now the Obama "Angry...

    Have you noticed the Obama "Hope and Change" tour is now the Obama "Angry... ...Leftist" tour? I'm sure what's left of Obama's leftist base still sees hopey changey but intelligent Americans know what's going on.
  6. P

    Leftists, when citizens trade with citizens in other nations and create "trade

    deficits" how is that paid for? Did you know that the only way to pay for imports is to export? Keep this in mind when you wring your hands over "trade deficits" and insist that free trade is a job killer. And, as always, be very, very, very careful what you wish for.
  7. P

    Do you think it's hilarious that leftist Rep Alan Grayson is whining about...

    ...negative ads? After his infamous "Taliban Dan" smear this Fred Flintstone-headed cretin is now whining about a negative ad.
  8. P

    Is Roger Goodell investigating Brett Favre for possible violations of the

    NFL personal conduct policy? Roger is pretty quick to sit guys down, is he taking a peek into the actions of one Little Brett Favre? Surely the old graybeard would never get a pass on a Goodell double standard, right? Finally, wouldn't it be outstanding if Little Brett's career ends on a...
  9. P

    What's better than hanging out on the couch, having a couple of beers and

    watching football? Not much, IMO. Yeah, OK, I'm a simple man. So sue me.
  10. P

    Can we agree that Michelle M.A. Obama should never be humiliated again by going

    on vacation on a lowly 757? Instead of the 747 that she so richly deserves as our queen?
  11. P

    Can we agree that Michelle M.A. Obama should never be humiliated again by going

    on vacation on a lowly 757? Instead of the 747 that she so richly deserves as our queen?
  12. P

    Leftists, am I allowed to question the prescribed thought that Obama is

    really, really, really smart? Or does that make me guilty of a thought crime punishable by a trip to Kathleen Sebelius' re-education camp?
  13. P

    Does the Tea Party victory in Alaska prove the leftist contention that the...

    ...movement is losing steam? Or prove that the leftists are still stuck in wishful thinking mode?
  14. P

    Does the Tea Party victory in Alaska prove the leftist contention that the...

    ...movement is losing steam? Or prove that the leftists are still stuck in wishful thinking mode?
  15. P

    Will 2010 be the 5th consecutive year of mild hurricane activity following the...

    ...2005 doomsday predictions? By the fraudsters in the "global climate change" movement? After Katrina, it was oh-so-trendy for the fraudsters to proclaim that more and more Katrinas were on the way. Whoops. 2010 is shaping up to be the 5th straight mild hurricane season.
  16. P

    When does 1st Lady Michelle Marie Antoinette Obama return from her lovely

    European vacation? I can't wait for our beloved queen to wave to us subjects from the window and shower us with her good graces!
  17. P

    With Tiger and Elin divorcing, will Roger Maltbie make his move?

    To close the deal with his longtime love Tiger?
  18. P

    Was being replaced as worst U.S. President on Jimmy Carter's "bucket list"?

    If so, he can check that one off. Mission accomplished.
  19. P

    Does fundraising get any more obnoxius than the Salvation Army bell ringers?

    The only thing that's probably more obnoxious is the cancer people ( I think it's the cancer people) who do that "jail" thing where your friends, co-workers, etc. trying to raise money for cancer society people to drive nice cars call you and beg for your hard-earned money to "bail them out".
  20. P

    Does fundraising get any more obnoxius than the Salvation Army bell ringers?

    The only thing that's probably more obnoxious is the cancer people ( I think it's the cancer people) who do that "jail" thing where your friends, co-workers, etc. trying to raise money for cancer society people to drive nice cars call you and beg for your hard-earned money to "bail them out".