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  1. D

    DVD drive doesn't read blank media?

    I have a Fujitsu laptop, running Vista, with Hitachi and Matshita drives. Recently, my dvd drive has stopped recognizing blank dvds. It whirs for several seconds and then the drive thinks it’s empty. It plays all other DVDs, including data disks previously written by me, so I don’t believe this...
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    We own 65% of Chrysler? What does that really mean?

    I heard that because Chrysler had a bail out we own 65% of it. If that's true, what does that actually mean for any given taxpayer?
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    What's the gossip about Taylor Swift?

    Entertainment Weekly Magazine had a Bulls-Eye last week that said Taylor Swift "gets more annoying with each day." I don't keep up with the tabloids, what are they talking about?
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    The Game and The Pick-Up Artist 2?

    Do you think the problem the guys on this show have with getting girls is that they're too busy hugging each other and idolizing a dude with a lot of jewelry? Speaking of that, was the fat guy with the fake chain eliminated in the first episode really not gay? I'm not talking about him not...