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  1. H

    Was I given laughing gas? or was it something else?

    Well I had some teeth taken out about 8 days ago and i was just thinking about it today, they put a thing over my nose to inhale- im assuming it was 'laughing gas' it made me feel woozy and tired, but i wasnt happy or relaxed, in fact i was totally frightened because the gas felt like it was...
  2. H

    batman beyond: questions about joker and barbra?

    ok so first off, i have only seen a few episodes and the movie, return of the joker, so i dunno if things get explained throughout the series or not my first question is, how can barbra be walking? in The Killing Joke she was shot by joker leaving her paralysed and in a wheelchair, because of...
  3. H

    Who came first, Batgirl or Robin?

    Like in the comics, not the tv shows or movies or anything AHAHAHAHA! ok I'm allfor sexual jokes but please just answer the question xD
  4. H

    How many times does batman actually laugh?

    He laughed at the end of The Killing Joke and I also saw him laugh in a clip from the animated series on youtube (Freakiest shit i"ve ever seen. Soo not right) Are there any other times he laughs?
  5. H

    Got any spoilers for the next glee episode "Rumours"?

    All I know is what wikipedia says (and often they're wrong). Anyone know anything else interesting in the episode or even any pun intended. Thanks in advance :)
  6. H

    whats a good strawberry tart recipe?

    I want little heart shaped ones for an alice in wonderland themed party! :D
  7. H

    66% of my celebrity crushes on singers who wear guyliner started when...?

    ...someone pointed a gun at them in a music video. Why do you think this is??
  8. H

    Poll: What would you say if your 13 year old child....?

    or nephew...cousin or whatever kept saying this to you: "Screw you" "Shut up" "Stupid Brat" I have a friend that is 19 and her 13...
  9. H

    What is in the sauce of a Taco Bell Quesadilla?

    Always wanted to know.
  10. H

    feminists, do you purposely work less hours than your male co-workers just so

    Hahaha $10 says the answer is yes even if they shake their heads :P
  11. H

    Help with internet router..?

    I've tried about ten times, but when I connect up my router, the installation dik says we don't have a proper copy of it. Which isn't true because it's the same disk we brought with the router. My mum's stressing about it because she doesn't want to have to pay $200 for someone to come out. I've...
  12. H

    Australian bush fires..?

    Okay, so my boyfriend lives in Melbourne and lives about two hours away from the fires. He tells me it'll be fine, but I'm really worried. I haven't been able to sleep or stop crying since it started and I try to get my mind off it, but it's just getting so bad because it's EVERYWHERE on the...
  13. H

    What do you know about Le Chat Noir?
  14. H

    Is there a phobia that involves being scared of an empty stomach?

    Last year I gained 30 lbs due to a depressive breakdown. Despite being a heavy-built size 12 girl and having a "Russian" way of eating things, I went from 157 to 187 lbs. So now I'm trying to get rid of those 30 lbs and more. I've already went down to 172 lbs since August, but I find that I have...
  15. H

    I have an automatic 2004 Suzuki Forenza, is there a substitute transmission...

    ...fluid for ESSO LT 71141? Obviously the ESSO LT 71141 fluid is quite expensive, so I was wondering if there was any substitute for it that would be compatible? Also, how many quarts does it actually take to fill it?
  16. H

    yay! How much more do I have to gain?

    OK, I used to be underweight. I am now 5'3, 101 Lbs. How much more eight do I have to gain to be a healthy weight?
  17. H

    Would you like to meet me?

    Here is me: (ignore the rabbit) About me: I have a...
  18. H

    How will you stop Harley Quinn?

    From kidnapping all of the hottest footballers and keeping them as my own personal slaves? I'll let the other villains enjoy them every once and a while. @Electra: I'll give you Mutu if you help me;)
  19. H

    How many people did Harley Quinn anger?

    With her amazing pie throwing skills. She was just trying to bring some levity to the footie section. FQ: Which footie player is most like the joker
  20. H

    How will you stop Harley Quinn?

    From crushing the Flash, Ironman, and Wonderbella? And who will stop my perpetual barrage of explosive pies?