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  1. B

    So my boyfriend has a Husky dog, and it whines all the time. His parents

    constantly tell him to shut up.? The dog whines at all hours, and whenever I am around, I'm told to take him out, even if my boyfriend is right there. Its his dog not mine. How do I get the whining to go down?
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    So my boyfriend has a Husky dog, and it whines all the time. His parents...

    ...constantly tell him to shut up.? The dog whines at all hours, and whenever I am around, I'm told to take him out, even if my boyfriend is right there. Its his dog not mine. How do I get the whining to go down?
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    how much does the 8th grade Washington DC trip cost?

    Please keep in mind i live in Ohio! So if you live in like cali and its 2,000 or high 1,000 or something, it will probably be like 1,000 less because Ohio and Dc is about a 7 hour drive. About 6 years ago it was like 500 and so i wouldnt be suprised if it was around 800. Anyone know for sure? OH...
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    Suzuki sierra will it last?

    I got a 1982 suzuki sierra. just had a rebuild about 5mths ago,done only about 500kms since the rebuild. New transfer case and new filters and oil. Whats your thoughts on driving it from Bundaberg QLD TO Sydney? will it last?
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    Suzuki sierra will it last?

    I got a 1982 suzuki sierra. just had a rebuild about 5mths ago,done only about 500kms since the rebuild. New transfer case and new filters and oil. Whats your thoughts on driving it from Bundaberg QLD TO Sydney? will it last?
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    How to copy ring tone to memory card on Samsung T401g for Net 10?

    Everytime I try to put a ringtone that I bought onto the memory card so that I can put it on my other phone, "Copy to Memory" is not highlighted on the menu screen. I just want to find a way to put the ringtone on the memory card. It also says its locked and I don't know how to unlock it. I...
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    Politically speaking, why do people complain but never do anything?

    I have heard people complain about how bad the environment is, and how the government needs to fix it. Well, in a sense, the government is us. So why are these people not rallying for politicians who want green laws put in to place? People complain about the war, tax cuts for businesses, the...
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    Do YOU take this as a funny joke or very inappropriate?

    this game, play it, its shoting little boys, than raping them :/ what do you think?
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    Swarovski Crystal for phones?

    I need a place in Brisbane or Mackay QLD, where you can take your phone in and pick out a design and they will put Swarovski Crystal's onto your mobile phone. i know you can buy kits off eBay, but i'd prefer somebody else to do it as i wouldnt do a very great job of it.
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    How do i eliminate background noise on my sprint lg rumor phone?

    everyone i talk to complains they cant hear me all the hear is the wind or tv or computer radio anyone know how to eliminate some of that noise?
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    How can I replace the battery for the Norelco 7617x?

    I've had this for about a year and a half now I need to find out a way to replace the battery or better yet find out how to take the battery out. That's the image of the Razor.
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    Guitar players:stratocaster pick-ups?

    Please give me your thoughts on the following stratocaster pick-ups: standard, tex mex, etc. those of you who know know what pickups are available. I'm looking for the crunchiest and best sustaining available. The local guitar store has a seafoam green strat with the tex mex in it mim...
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    Music / English / Religion ?

    I need to find song lyrics to represent Peter from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe at the end of the book. So it has to be something a long the lines of being brave... It also has to be appropriate for a religion class
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    I Want T0 Die!!!!!!!!!!?

    oh my gosh where do i start? my uninterested mom cant be trusted by me. my moms boyfriend only makes it worse. one of my sisters hates my guts and admitted trying to kill me when i was young (( me and this sister are 8 years apart)) my other sister (( 14 years apart )) get along perfectly my...
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    How important is the black rubber plug on the bell housing of a 2003 ford explorer?

    I have a 2003 ford explorer and I recently had the transmission rebuilt. When I collected the truck I noticed a small amount of oil/transmission fluild around the black rubber plug on the bell housing on the transmission and upon closer examination I found that the rubber plug was damaged(it had...
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    How important is the black rubber plug on the bell housing of a 2003 ford explorer?

    I have a 2003 ford explorer and I recently had the transmission rebuilt. When I collected the truck I noticed a small amount of oil/transmission fluild around the black rubber plug on the bell housing on the transmission and upon closer examination I found that the rubber plug was damaged(it had...
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    coby dvd remote.?

    Iwas trying to use the middle cicle options on the remote to read a directors cut when it would not work and than preceded to show the next dvd i put in doubling up and it lost color.Can anyone help me with this one. Thanks, brooklyn. it is a one dvd coby unit.