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  1. K

    Samsung 40in tv LCD panel is damaged where can i find a repair?

    The actual screen its self is ok its the small back light board that is attached by ribbon cables at the bottom that is the problem!! it had a fault capacitor, a very tiny one i tried to repair but it was just to small and beyond my skill at soldering :( but also when messing around with it the...
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    Any one going to the twiathlon?

    OMFG I wanna see the twiathlon but I can't :( anyone elso going to see it and how do you Feel about it even if you aren't :)
  3. K

    Free online websites?

    I really want to watch something online but the only website I can find is ones that you have to download and I hate doing that, got any you don't have to download on and I don't mind if you have to sign up but tell me them any way
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    I am Diabetic type one and i have Bipolar 2 disorder. Is it safe for me to have

    children? My Fiance has 2 children from a previous relationship. They live with us as their mother committed suicide. They are 5 and 3. I want to have my own child one day but I am afraid of what might happen to me if I do. I am now the mother of 2 small girls who have already last one...
  5. K

    Why does my cat sometimes wee next to the litter box?

    We have a new cat, approx 12 yrs old that we got from a rescue centre, and provide her with 2 trays. She always poos in one of them and pees a lot in the other, but approx once a day she also pees next to them, even if there is nothing in either and they have just been cleaned!! Sometimes it...
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    critique for me please?

    As i peered into the mirror every morning with some sort of pathetic hope that I would wake up without the hatred I so strongly felt for my appearance, the dread of knowing that I could never look like what I had worshipped in fashion magazines, I found myself once again full of hatred and...
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    What other Anime's would I like?

    Okay, so I'm and 18 year old girl. I am an anime and an manga fan too, my personal preference is shoujo manga/anime. I'm looking for a new anime/manga to watch/read. The ones, I have watched and read, are as followed: -Full metal Alchemist -Kaicho wa maid sama -B Gata H Kei -Death note -Naruto...
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    What are some things to do on the weekend outdoors?

    ur opinion
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    What are the Christian Views on trans-genders?

    Hello i am a Christian male? and have strong feelings of needing to be a girl however before i allow anything to happen what are the Christian views on men becoming women? thank you Honest answers please
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    What are the Christian Views on trans-genders?

    Hello i am a Christian male? and have strong feelings of needing to be a girl however before i allow anything to happen what are the Christian views on men becoming women? thank you Honest answers please
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    Good Vacation For Me and My Dad?

    I'm 17 and me and my dad want to go on a vacation. We just got back from Orlando and had a GREAT time. whats a place with lots of amusement parks and waterparks? somewhere really fun!
  12. K

    In Rapping terms whats an MC?

    Like eminem gets called an MC so does Hollywood undead ect.. What is an MC anyone. I want it in detail please not just ' Oh snoops an mc!!!!1 :@'
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    How to get an invite to IP Torrent?

    Xremespeeds is down and I'm desperately after the series finale of Lost (amongst others). I'm after a 'safe' site to download these and its been inferred that IP is pretty good?
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    when can i buy the sony ericsson xperia x10 mini pro?

    when is the closest time i can buy it i know its going to be 600 dolarz
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    is the sony ericsson xperia x10 worth to buy?

    im looking for a new up to date phone i was hoping for some input to weather i should buy it or not if its not a good phone please leave me some names of other good phones
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    My Laptop Dosent Have The Speed For Sims 3!!!?

    My Laptop Dosent Have The System Requirements For Speed For Sims 3.. What Will This Mean? Will It Run Slower? Can I Still Get It Anyway? x
  17. K

    How can you watch full shows online for mtv?

    I live in the UK and want to watch mtv shows online, i have tryed but it only shows me clips? (Id like to watch stuff like, The Hills, The City and 16 and pregnant)
  18. K

    can a dogs vasectomy be reversed ?

    i was just wondering and probrably already kno the answer !!!!
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    Question about Blue Ray dvd's?

    Do normal dvds play on a blue ray dvd player?
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    What is a good introduction for my valedictorian speech?

    i am graduating from grade 8, and it needs to be around 3 minutes long, in total thanx