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  1. N

    downloading games on a modified PSP?

    hi, i ve been browsing for a long time but i cant seem to get a definite answer heres what: im planning on downloading a psp or a ps1 game on psn and transfering psp/ps1 saved files from my ps3, the games would be saved into a memory stick of the psp and be played from there. since my psp is...
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    Do they have any Tarot Card, that is related to gay/lesbian thingies ?

    idk how to say it, that is why i said "thingies".. lol.. well, does any tarot card predict about a gay/lesbian relationship... ?
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    Serious Q: I drool a lot

    recently ive started drooling a lot when im asleep. is there any way to control that? why does that happen? well i use to drool before as well, but not every day. when i wake up, my night clothes, my pillow and my blanket stinks.... coz i keep wiping my mouth in my sleep.. lmao.. its...
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    Where can i buy a USB capable DVD player with no file maximum?

    i just bought the LG DV492H DVD player with a usb port. however after i bought it i read in the manual that there was a maximum of 600 files allowed on the usb. i have more than that and when i plug it in it recognises it but says 'no files available'. is this file maximum the norm with all...
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    If your Lover Cooks something, and the taste is really?

    Pathetic, do you tell them straight, that its pathetic, or do you lie, that its really nice ??? my gf cooked something yesterday, and it was really yummy!. so dear hazel, this question has nothing to do with your cooking.. lmao
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    If your Lover Cooks something, and the taste is really?

    Pathetic, do you tell them straight, that its pathetic, or do you lie, that its really nice ??? my gf cooked something yesterday, and it was really yummy!. so dear hazel, this question has nothing to do with your cooking.. lmao
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    If your Lover Cooks something, and the taste is really?

    Pathetic, do you tell them straight, that its pathetic, or do you lie, that its really nice ??? my gf cooked something yesterday, and it was really yummy!. so dear hazel, this question has nothing to do with your cooking.. lmao
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    Is it Wrong to Laugh at Other's Silly Mistakes ?

    i do. but i laugh at my own mistakes too..
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    how can a person get dreams in which they can see the future?

    I remember when i was more younger i used to have dreams while sleeping that would happen later on in my life and im sure other people have as well; i was just wondering how i can go back to getting those dreams again. does it have to do with what u eat,do,say,the way u think etc. or is it just...
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    Who do you want for your new Jacob in New Moon?

    Who would you rather have for older Jacob in New Moon? 1. Michael Copon: 2. Steven Strait: (sorry best one I could find...) I don't know... who do you think? I remember...
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    2000 chevy malabu...?

    I resently purchased a 200 chevy impala. unfortuanatly the egnition is crap, the windows dont go down and if they do they dont go up, and ther is no radio. luckly i bought it for only $300. But i was wondering how much would each of these would cost to fix?
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    Should I see a psychologist?

    My uncle is very sick with Lymphoma and multiple sclerosis. He is hanging onto his last string of life and the hospital cant to anything more. I was very close to him. I am personally worried now about my psychological health, because when he dies, I dont know how I will react. Should I see a...
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    What type of car seat would you recommend for a Toyota Corolla?

    My nephew had a bad stomach flu on a car trip so coming back, he vomited about 17 times and he spilled red juice and everything back there so I just want to get them replaced. What do you recommend? Something cheap but good quality. Does a toyota dealership do that?
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    What can you make faster ? Paper Planes or Paper Boats ?

    these are the only two craft things i know to make! which, sometimes i do get confused on how to make the boat ! O_O
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    Sprint wireless employee account...?

    So here's the problem...I am Sprint customer with an awesome plan, I pay close to nothing for all the great things for my cell phone account, I am on an Sprint Wireless Advantage Club account...hooked up by an old friend who now lives in FLA. (I am in CA). Problem is she is incredibly difficult...
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    Do you Scream... when...?

    you see a Spider / Cockroach / Lizard ???
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    can you Name 3 Electronic Gadgets you Love ! ?

    i love cell phones.. laptops.. and digital cameras! :D
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    Can I use any American cell phones while on a Bell contract in Canada?

    I really want a new phone.... the phones offered in the US are way better than in Canada. But I'm with Bell, therefore no sim card - are there any phones I can use with Bell other than the ones offered by Bell?
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    Housing two red tail boas together?

    I currently have a 5' female columbian red tail boa. i just found a 6' male red tail boa for sale. i would like to house them together, i have heard that they are community snake(with other red tail boa's of course), is this so? also what's a descent size cage for them together? Any info or...