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  1. G

    Is this man and his associates pure evil?

    Is Father David Trosch an evil Satanist? I say this because this has been revealed to me by God through Jesus. He has done a lot of black magic on me .He is a part of a Satanic cult that has engaged in serial killings and murders etc. He runs the website He and other members...
  2. G

    Is Father David Trosch an evil Satanist?

    I say this because this has been revealed to me by God through Jesus. He has done a lot of black magic on me .He is a part of a Satanic cult that has engaged in serial killings and murders etc. He runs the website He and other members of this cult have done me much harm. They...
  3. G

    Is the 1997 special edition of Star Wars on dvd? I have the original...?

    the special edition is the one that came out when I was a little kid. I grew up on it so it's my favorite version. I've been searching like crazy to find out if it's on DVD (Widescreen) but haven't had much luck (can't stand that the old Anakin was replaced in the newer one, /shudder/). If...
  4. G

    Constantly daydreaming about sex/super horny?

    I keep imagining me having sex. I'm 16, a virgin and just feel really compelled to have sex with some guys in my school. I'll glance at them in lessons and just think about it. I know it's sad, but I think it all through which makes it worse. I have an idea of getting with a nerdy/kinda cool guy...
  5. G

    Crazy cat, chicken and pitta bread, Grandmothers house?

    I had a scary dream last night. I was in my nans kitchen with my mum where we were making chicken and pitta bread for dinner. I was cutting it up weirdly to eat... Which I never do... Then my mum walked out of the kitchen through the living room (they're open plan) and locked the door saying...
  6. G

    Poll: Did you hear the rumor going on that ???? could take Fizzdude's place?

    Check out my question earlier about Fizzdude minimizing his presence:;_ylt=AsuDUYw4ma3oaEkT0QZvt9jsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080517114102AAw25KU You'll see answers him about possibly finally getting a life, tired of bothering people, or giving up something like...