Search results

  1. D

    What do you think of these names for my dog?

    So yes, I am getting a puppy in September or October, and it is most likely a french bulldog. Do you like these names? I like Chai the best. List: 1. Chai 2. Olivia 3. Alice (:
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    Indian Dog Owners: What do you feed your dog?

    I've seen many Indians feeding milk/curd etc to their dog, which is not only species inappropriate but also harmful. Dogs are lactose intolerant. Now, I know that not even rice and roti are the best of food, but atleast avoid milk/curd and feed them this instead. This comes start out of Maneka...
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    where can I find french language tv torrents?

    Hello I am looking for a site with french language tv or movie torrents. I want ones that will have french audio and english subtitles. Thanks
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    Motorola Droid won't let me into the market, asking for weird email?

    I have a Motorola Droid and I'm trying to get an app from the market, and whenever I go to it, a box pops up and says that "I entered the wrong password or my account has changed" then it asks me to re-enter my password. The problem is, the email is a very old one I don't use, and I'm not logged...
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    Should China greatly raise the tax for people who purchase the SUV?

    . According to the Bloomberg Financial news, because of the growth of wealth of Chinese people across China, the purchase of SUV increased 15% from last year. Since SUV consumes lot more energy than other cars and people who drive SUV are simply for personal pleasure or image instead of for...
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    How to help a clumsy dog?

    I got a yorkie-schnauzer mix a few weeks ago. I already love her to death, she's very sweet anfd is an amazing addition to our family. She's easy to train and is very well behaved. However, she's very clumsy. She tripped down the stairs and hit her head on the wall. When she jumped up to get a...
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    any good ds games????

    Are the Imagine ones good? Also can you recommend good ds games, I would like horsey/animal ones. I have nintendogs, super mario ds games, brain training, donkey kong jungle climber, Imagine teacher. Thank you!
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    How do you get ringtones or songs from off the internet?

    how do you get free ringtones or songs off the internet for your phone if you have United Wireless
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    Do all Sony Walkman Mp4 players have the same USB port?

    I have a Sony Walkman NWZ-S615F and was wondering if the other Walkman mp4 players have the same port on the bottom of the device.
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    Do all Sony Walkman Mp4 players have the same USB port?

    I have a Sony Walkman NWZ-S615F and was wondering if the other Walkman mp4 players have the same port on the bottom of the device.
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    why did my fish die so quickly?

    my two mollies had black one had 38.and my white one had 28.none of them survived long.i did everything i could,i separated them from the mother or any other fish,gave them food ,clean water,warm water. questions 1.why did they die so quickly? 2.i want to get some more fish .i want...
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    Where do you see America? Past our prime, mid-day morning time?

    Where do you see us in the future. Washed-up, going no where, past our prime...a fading light or do you see us as Just Beginning? NOTE: I am NOT looking for answers like: Well if they follow my favorite political person we'll be just fine. NOW, today..........what is your view of America?
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    what color is the planet venus?

    What color is the planet venus?
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    How do I stop my dog from whining all the time? ?

    I have a maltese that rarely barks, but he whines/cries a lot. He does it when I'm even in the same room with him. He isn't in any pain, in fact he seems to do it for not reason at all sometimes. Anyone else have this annoying problem? How do I fix it?
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    I'm behind on my digital cable bill and I also want an Iphone. Can I get a bailout?

    I shouldn't have to choose between having digital cable and an Iphone. This is America and I deserve both. Besides, Comcast suckered me into getting the most expensive cable package. They gave a teaser rate for 6 months, then the price went up! That's not right. My issue with the cable company...
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    What are some good ways to ask for a dog if you all ready have two?

    I want a smaller dog and my two dogs are 30lbs. I want a smaller one not a pomeranian or poodle. What are some great phrases to say?
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    Click Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    This is not a question. I know how you will get a super bed on webkinz you have to add bunfriedchicken you have to give them exclusive items to get a super bed. i got a super bed i gave them a 2 exclusive items and got 2 super beds so if you want a super bed add them and give them how ever...
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    Haven't we Christians handled the "Gay Marriage" issue very badly?

    (disclosure: I'm a conservative Christian/Republican) I had an interesting conversation with my pastor the other day on the issue of gay-marriage. He told me that "he" defines marriage as union between a man & a woman. I told him that I agree, but others may not define it the way "WE DO"...
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    Shouldn't people of faith, atheist and all religions at least find common ground?

    If you don't believe in God.........that's your view choice and I respect that, I don't agree but it's your choice. And I would fight and even die for your right to believe as you wish If you do believe God, well good, I do too. I have several people in my family who don't follow or believe in...
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    my sony ericsson phone does not charge more than 97%?

    i have a w910i. the charger works perfectly but the battery is never more than 97% full regardless of how long i leave it on.