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  1. P

    should I be ok with my sister having sex?

    I am trying to care for her the best way i can. I just dont know what's for the best!, i want her to be HAPPY so will letting her be the right choice? or should I tell her not to?. Im 16. She is just 13 and he's 14. She's been with him for 1 year now. I'm concerned because of her age, she is...
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    Good apps for iPad !!!!?

    Does anyone know good apps for iPad I would like things that are sorta like virtual familes , virtual villagers and sims so I would like a sorta game when it's about life xxxxx
  3. P

    When will harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 come out on dvd in the uk?

    i know it's come out already in some countries, but when will it come out in the United Kingdom?
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    At what speed should a space probe be fired from the Earth if it is required to

    still be travelling at a speed? At what speed should a space probe be fired from the Earth if it is required to still be travelling at a speed of 6.75 km/s, even after coasting to an exceedingly great distance from the planet (a distance that is essentially infinite)? (Neglect the friction and...
  5. P

    Any tips to help encourage my 18mth old to walk outdoors?

    My son is nearly 18 months old and has been a late developer with walking. He didn't walk at all until 15 months, preferring to crawl or bottom shuffle. He has been walking quite well indoors for a couple of weeks now, seeming to (finally) prefer walking to crawling, and so we had his first...
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    How do I tune in or connect my digital TV to record my old taped videos onto DVD?

    I have a digital TV with built-in Freeview. I've got a DVD recorder and VCR connected to it via scart leads. I'm not asking about recording digital channels, or bought videos. Just want to transfer old videos to DVD. Any info would be appreciated.
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    Tomorrow I'm going on a Carnival Cruise?

    I'm 16 so I'll be in the o2 club, are the people nice? is there like a lot of dirty dancing, and will you meet people?
  8. P

    Can anyone PLEASE give me your feedback on my introduction?

    Echoing outcries are all I felt down my spine as I held this tiny piece of plastic between my forefinger and thumb. This tiny piece of plastic was telling me that the man next to me was gone, I would need two jobs, I would never finish High School, My parents would kill me, and all of my dreams...
  9. P

    Blue-Ray question... regarding older movies to blueray.?

    This question is regarding older movies put on blueray. Say the original diehard, terminator 2, Interview with a vampire.... What I am wondering about is what is the point in buying a blueray of a movie that was filmed before HD cameras? Like If i had a dvd of the orginal diehard vs a blueray...
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    Can anyone help me think of an interesting introduction?

    I'm taking English 1101 and we have to write a 3 page descriptive essay on some event that took place in our lives that makes us interesting.. I got pregnant a week before I turned 18 and I think that's pretty interesting. I don't want to make it a sob story because it's not but I just need one...
  11. P

    Blue-Ray question... regarding older movies to blueray.?

    This question is regarding older movies put on blueray. Say the original diehard, terminator 2, Interview with a vampire.... What I am wondering about is what is the point in buying a blueray of a movie that was filmed before HD cameras? Like If i had a dvd of the orginal diehard vs a blueray...
  12. P

    R&P, have you ever noticed how similar these two songs are...?

    I mean, I know they're by the same band and everything, but still; Ace of Spades; We Are Motorhead; (haha, I love this song) BQ - I am ____ and I've come to ____ your ____ (fill in blanks) BQ2 - Is it...
  13. P

    do you know were i can buy this bag or a similar one ?

    I love this juicy couture over the shoulder bag but i cant find it or a similar version anywere .if you know any website which sells these types of juicy couture bags please let me no . here is the link...
  14. P

    I'm trying to play a DVD on my PS2 and it says "can't read disc"...what am I doing

    I'm trying to play a DVD on my PS2 and it says "can't read disc"...what am I doing wrong? My dvd player isn't working so i put my dvd in my ps2, the commercials worked, the menu comes up, i can go to scene selection, view the trailer and so on..but I can't play the actual movie, it just tells...
  15. P

    Isn't it a bit arbitrary the way Christians believe some but not all the commands... the Bible? How do you decide what to take literally and what not? Actually I'm an atheist...
  16. P

    R&P, so Johnny B, Goode could play the guitar just like ringing a bell...?

    and that deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball whilst Iron Man is busying himself with travelling time for the future of mankind, what talents do the good people of R&P have? Maybe something not musically related? Also, can you add anything to my previous list of people in songs...
  17. P

    What fish are compatible with 2 platys?

    i have a 60 litre tank, and i was wonder what colourful nice gentle fish would go with them, i would like some Neon Tetras and some guppies, would that be ok? or is there some better fish? please help, thanks!
  18. P

    I would like to breed guppies, see detail?

    i would like to breed some guppies i am planing on gettting 3 females and 1 male. I am also going to get lots of places for the fish to hide. Do i have to have a breeding tank? i don't want all the babys to survive. My tank is 60 litres and it has 2 platys.
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    How do you make a couple feel comfortable during an outdoors photoshoot?

    I'm doing my first small photoshoot next week and I'm not sure how to get people to loosen up. I'm doing this for practice, they understand I'm definitely not a pro but I can take a decent picture that they are happy with and that's all they want. I want to start getting really good so maybe I...
  20. P

    Need advice on switching from friendship to relationship?

    My friend has been flirting with me for a long time and she twice showed me in a very obvious way that she wanted to do it with me. I never know if she is playing (we're both girls) or if she is being serious. I told her I loved her and she told me not to feel shy around her. Her face lightens...