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    Iphone 4s won't sync music after newest update for itunes/os?

    Only 11 of my 700 songs would sync, I tried about everything and after searching online many others have the same problem after the updates, any new solutions on this? or any word from apply regarding this issue?
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    Second date with shy guy, no mention of interest in each other but I can

    tell... how to approach? This guy I work with recently gave me his number and we have been texting back and forth for a few weeks now but only see him occasionally at work. I can tell he is really shy from the few times I have talked to him in person. We've probably known each other for two...
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    What's the font Taco Bell uses? Like the lettering?

    What's the font Taco Bell uses? Like the lettering?
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    My room has no window,what to buy for venting out air?

    It just has a little vent opening out, my room is in the middle of the house so no window.. it gets hot and stuffy sometimes, what can I buy to vent out air and keep it cool here? I currently just use a fan inside to blow out some steam
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    Math Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    me and 4 friends are going to drive all 5 of our cars to mexico next weekend, but we decided that no one can drive their own car. so how many possible permutations of car and driver are there without any one driving their own car? hint: 2 people 5 cars = (1*4)+(3*3)=13 3 people 5 cars...
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    Which one is better: The sony ericsson aino white or black colour?

    i will buys this phone for my cousin.. (he is guy thats like laying ps3...hahaha)
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    This relationship isn't going anywhere?

    Okay so I've been going out with this guy for about two months. He's really sweet and friendly, buuuut I don't think we're getting anywhere. We haven't done anything [hold hands, etc.] and it's sort of feeling like we're just friends. I really like him, but he hasn't started anything physical...
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    Is his interest returning?

    This guy and I used to talk all the time and then we stopped talking to each other for a little while. I got upset and thought about texting him to start a conversation and tell him how we haven't talked in awhile. I didn't do it and decided to wait. Today, I got a text from him and he was the...
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    dvd Burner software? where can i download one for free that doesn't need an...

    ...activation code? or doesn't put a watermark on it? thanks
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    making an end table from a taco bell sign help?

    i know how to do it i just need to know the colors the tables were back when taco bell was these colors the thing im making a table out of is the ordering speaker thanks ^_^ for any help
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    I fell of my bike today?

    it was not a good feeling
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    how to make a torrent a DVD?

    So I have U torrent and I was wondering how I could put that file onto a DVD? I know that you need a video converter, but lots have watermarks. So how would I find one that didn't and then what would I do to make that file into a DVD thing? Thanks in advance. p.s. I know its illegal, spare me...
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    I can't find the song Sour Candy by Carly Rae Jepson on Limewire

    FEATURING Josh Ramsay?...? I'm using the latest version of Limewire, and I've searched, but I can't find the version featuring Josh Ramsay from Marianas Trench...Please help?
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    What are the minimum fitness requirements to join the British Army?

    Im 19 and female if that helps :) thanks in advance Its to enter the REME (royal electrical mechanical engineers) :)
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    I'm anxious :-( help me pls?

    i should watch 'the shining move' tonight. I wanted to watch horror movies but i'm afraid i'll be scared. Pls tell me wt to do? thank you P.S: pls don't tell me not to watch the movie.
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    Is it an option to pay for internet with the samsung reality? (cell phone)?

    my birthday is soon and i am die for an upgrade. i go through verizon wireless. the Samsung Reality comes with easy access to face-book and more! but i don't know if it cost extra money to use face-book and twitter (etc.)
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    Where is the best place to go on a hiking vacation in the mountains? 10 points!?

    I'm trying to find the best place to go on vacation... So far the other people who are going and I are thinking the smokey mountains... and staying in a nice cabin? Can someone explain how this is? I'd like to go where it's not so civilized and touristy if there's such a place? (the nice cabin...
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    Why am I craving so much peanut butter?

    I think it's simply another food-fase, I go through these quite often, it use to be that I would eat a ton of oatmeal and at one point I'd eat Kashi cereal with almond milk and banana every morning and couldn't get enough of it. I'm just wondering if I eat peanut butter with every meal tomorrow...
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    If you know a lot about diet and fitness- Tell me if my food for tomorrow is

    good!? 10 points!? I'm doing the 5-6 meals a day thing. I've been doing this for a couple weeks now, but I've been changing my meals a bit. So is this ok? Tomorrow I will have, in this order- 1.Egg whites (with a pinnnch of the yolk mixed in for nutrients) with a little bit of red peppers and...
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    If you know a lot about diet and fitness- Tell me if my food for tomorrow is

    good!? 10 points!? I'm doing the 5-6 meals a day thing. I've been doing this for a couple weeks now, but I've been changing my meals a bit. So is this ok? Tomorrow I will have, in this order- 1.Egg whites (with a pinnnch of the yolk mixed in for nutrients) with a little bit of red peppers and...