Search results

  1. P

    What does it mean to "take a break" in a relationship?

    I've been with my boyfriend for a year and half right now and we have a had rough patches in the past nothing terrible and we decided that we would continue our relationship sort of with a fresh start and just take it slow. It was going GREAT!....but now he wants to "take a break". I don't fully...
  2. P

    What could I have my character say in replacement for this?

    Basically, two characters in my story are fighting. Character 1 is blaming character 2 for the lack of success in their job and stuff, when they're supposed to be a team. So it's like; Character 1: I'll tell him {their boss} you're lying. Character 2: *Heh. Well ain't you the team player. The...
  3. P

    Are the rumors about "Twilight: Breaking Dawn" true?

    Does Samuel L. Jackson really come up to Edward and ask him to join the Avengers?
  4. P

    Might I request of you good people to please stop making me laugh?

    I dislocated my shoulder last week, and you guys are killing me!
  5. P

    I have a Dell laptop and live in the US. Will a Region 2 encoded DVD work... my laptop? I saw this movie on an airplane home from Italy, and I would like to buy it off Amazon. However, the description for the copies on Amazon say: "Region 2 encoding (This DVD will not play on most DVD players sold in the US or Canada [Region 1]. This item requires a region...
  6. P

    How to allow unlimited region changes for Windows Media DVD player?

    I have looked into unlocking that annoying feature in windows that only allows 5 region changes. I have come accross 'Region Killer' and it seems to have recieved good reviews. I would like to know how this software works, how to use it and whther there is software that is better etc. When...
  7. P

    Which is the nokia phone that has the qwerty keyboard (10 points)?

    ^ well basically what is in the question (like the sony ericson x10 mini pro) Also any other phones which is touch screen and has a qwerty keyboard :) Thanks
  8. P

    How can I convert an AVCHD file to burn to a DVD?

    I have recently bought a Panasonic HD camcorder and transferred a test recording to my laptop (using the SD card). It plays absolutely fine but as I suspected will not burn to a DVD using Windows DVD Maker as my other recordings do. The camcorder comes with a 'HD Writer' disc but I am not sure...
  9. P

    Now that Iran is buying Afghanistan's loyalty,taking millions to support...

    ...the Taliban.What's next for Obama? spend billions more in pakistan,or just continue to let people die because of his policies on iran.
  10. P

    My new DVD player s not working correctly with my TV?

    I used to have a recordable DVD that worked just fine. Since that packed up I replaced it with a cheap player. I have set it up exactly as the other one put am having problems. Ok, so I have a virgin plus box, this is wired to the TV with HDMI cable, to the HDMI 1 output. I have a Wii also...
  11. P

    Cheap travel to Windermere?

    Hi, going to windermere 7th aug and leaving 14th aug and this is from Birmingham. Any one help?
  12. P

    Funny dog food addictions/Toys additions etc?

    I watch a vet program where the vet gave a cat worm medication covered in vegemite tablet-she said cat's love the taste of vegemite. My cat at the time didn't take well to this but my dog loves it like there no tommorow. She only gets a vegemite sandwich when it worm medication time. She give me...
  13. P

    How much is a training course to become a personal fitness instructor?

    I really would like to become a personal fitness trainer but I can't seem to find prices of courses anywhere, I'd really appreciate it if anyone knows how much it costs (even roughly) and can help?
  14. P

    How much is a training course to become a personal fitness instructor?

    I really would like to become a personal fitness trainer but I can't seem to find prices of courses anywhere, I'd really appreciate it if anyone knows how much it costs (even roughly) and can help?
  15. P

    Do hp 16 inch laptops have bluetooth?

    I bought myself a hp laptop yesterday which took a grueling 5 hours to choose because my Mum likes to be sure that's the right type. I went to my sisters and she wondered if it has bluetooth it's a bit stupid but I didn't know. Thankyou for any answers x
  16. P

    Planning a trip to Switzerland?

    I live in Netherlands and I am planning a 5 day trip to Switzerland, planning to visit 2 cities. I found cheap flight tickets to Geneva and Basel so these two can be where I arrive and take off back home. I heard Zurich is also nice.. But there might be other places that I don't know of. My...
  17. P

    How can I style my hair like this?
  18. P

    How Can I Style My Hair Like This?

    Traci Lords in the movie Cry Baby.. is there a tutorial somewhere?...………
  19. P

    What do you think of these cartoons? In terms of color etc (no it's not...

    ...finished yet!)? Link:
  20. P

    have u traveled to bali?

    how much was ur insurance and where r u from