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    who sang jingle bell rock in mean girls?

    like the version that was played on the radio that the girls danced to, i've been trying to find that song for such a long time. any help? >.<
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    Someone help about my neighbour?

    I am a 21 year old female i live in a 4 in a block wich were originally built for old people so they are not sound proof atall.. There is this man abouy 50 odd thats mooved in a few months ago all he does is constantly complains about me.. No other neighbours have a bad thing to say about me...
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    Blackberry Apps- Cross Platform SMS?

    I'm moving to an area that is miles away from cell phone coverage for the summer and NEED a cross platform SMS & MMS application that can work with WiFi alone, and isn't restricted to users only. I've tried: whatsapp cnectd hookd BBM 7.0
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    How can i ship boxes overseas by boat?

    I want to ship 5 large boxes full of clothes and personal products from USA to Brazil by boat, but I can't find any websites or companies that offer this kind of service. It's too expensive via airplane so that's why I thought about sea transportation..anyone knows good websites? Thanks!
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    too much PDA on the bus HELP!!!?

    everyday after school i catch a bus and a few stops later there is this couple probibly in their mid 40s that get on the bus too. once they sit down they start making out and the woman makes this loud moans and she also sits on his lap and they are REALLY LOUD. everyone else just sists and...
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    too much PDA on the bus HELP!!!?

    everyday after school i catch a bus and a few stops later there is this couple probibly in their mid 40s that get on the bus too. once they sit down they start making out and the woman makes this loud moans and she also sits on his lap and they are REALLY LOUD. everyone else just sists and...
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    I need some revenge plot ideas please. c:?

    I am writing a story about this man and his love. His name is Bryson and he loves Serenity more than life itself blah blah blah, so anyways Bryce disappeared for awhile and some men came after Serenity wanting to capture her. She didn't understand why, she just knew it was Bryce they wanted...
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    Can I keep 2 rats in an aquarium?

    I know you are not supposed to, but I'm getting 2 rats soon, and I can't afford a $200.00 cage right now. Though my big sister has an empty aquarium/tank I could use. I was wondering if I could keep them in it for 1-2 months or until I can get a cage... And please, no rude comments.
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    Will my Wind Mobile Cell work in California, Arizona and Nevada?

    Will be traveling. Phone barely works in Toro
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    What would be a good way to tour West Europe?

    My friend and I want to travel and tour West Europe after we graduate. What would be a good plan to do this in an economical manner? We want to stay for at least a month. We were thinking of possibly just renting an apartment in a somewhat central location and then making day trips to visit...
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    which phone should I get from T-Mobile?

    heyy i currently have a blackberry bold 9780, my contract is coming to an end very quickly nd i need help choosing a phone i hate the blackberry when i first got it i expected better i like androids because of how many apps there are i am debating between a couple a phone so if u guys can help...
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    Can a betta live with other fish?

    I own a male betta. He lives in a one gallon tabk on my desk. I just bought a thirty gallon tank with plants, a filter, and a heater so i think he would love it there. Im going to put six neon tetras and ten ghost shrimp in there too. Can my betta live with them?
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    Battlefield Bad Company 2 ps3 help!!!?

    I was playing campaign mode and the game sound start to crackle. I have the sound setting on "war tapes" and im running it on hdmi cable. The sound problem stopped after few minutes, but is it something that i should be worried about? pls help
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    Will my Wind Mobile Cell work in California, Arizona and Nevada?

    Will be traveling. Phone barely works in Toro
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    What does it mean when you see 10 girls in your dream and we are all going to join

    modelling and we have White? Papers in our hand we re going to fill in?
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    Will my Wind Mobile Cell work in California, Arizona and Nevada?

    Will be traveling. Phone barely works in Toro
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    Does Courtney Love receive money if you buy a Nirvana CD today?

    How much does she receive, if so? Thank you.
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    Should I Record In My Truck?

    Hi. I'm a college student who does voice-overs in her spare time, and I live in a dorm where I'm uncertain when is the best time to record considering I have very noisy neighbors (party animals, boom-box blasters, door slammers, etc). I heard that some voice-over artists use their cars as small...
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    Unusual unique names for a small female puppy?

    i just got a female puppy her breed is a small type of dog i want to name her something uncommon and urban but that's nice can you give me a list or a link
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    So I told my mom I'm not Christian?

    My mom is Christian. I told her that I believe evolution & the "big bang" is true, that I don't agree with the bible, that I believe in "god" but not religion & that even if she thinks I'm going to hell for it I can't change how I feel. I thought she would freak out & yell at me about how I'm...