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  1. K

    Romantic First Vacation With Boyfriend?

    This is going to be the first vacation my boyfriend and I have taken together without his parents or my parents. Just me and him for about a week(: We originally planned on going to Disney World because I've always wanted to go, but plans changed and we settled on a cabin somewhere. lol Big...
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    Which types of martial arts compete?

    I know judo does. What else?
  3. K

    How to remove the canopy on baby trend flex loc carseat?

    How to remove the canopy on baby trend flex loc carseat? I can see on the owners manual How to install it but when I go to remove the canopy where it comes apart at the bottom it looks like there is a rivet holding it together.... So how do it get it to unhook?
  4. K

    Was she mad I didn't do anything about my interest in her? How do I get in better

    terms with her (I'm female)? I was pretty positive she was into me at one point. There was some sort of miscommunication however that led us to not knowing what was going on with each other. I stopped talking to her/acted like I didn't see her or care that she was there. She had begun seeing a...
  5. K

    Why is she still weird around me? Is she creeped I'm around or angry I

    didn't do anything about my interest? I was pretty positive she was into me at one point. There was some sort of miscommunication however that led us to not knowing what was going on with each other. I stopped talking to her/acted like I didn't see her or care that she was there. She had begun...
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    Does anyone remember this scary book series? ?

    Or it could have been a collection of short stories. The only one I can vaguely remember is about a kid who is sent to the well to fetch water and disappears. The footprints just stop halfway to the well. And they think the kid was snatched by the devil or a demon.
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    Lesbians: Do you let HSV1 stand in your way?

    I want to know your opinion about you or your partner having HSV1; are you concerned about them and yourself contracting it downstairs? .. If you don't let it stand in your way, how to do cope with it together? .. I've had HSV1 for most of my life and am only eighteen years old; I feel...
  8. K

    What is the longest you've been able to hold someone's interest without having

    made a move? It's been almost 5 months now, and I haven't made a move. We've been into each other since we saw each other. And I'm surprised they haven't moved on from me...maybe there were a couple unsuccessdul attempts. And what does it mean when interest can last so long? Is it just an...
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    She said she has a bf but she still acts interested...(very long)?

    A couple months back, I trained with her. She was very sweet/ was as though she was trying to win me over. I've had guys act like that (just not as sweet/giggly). I saw her watching me nonstop in the gym, and the expression on her face...I knew she thought I was beautiful. It was...
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    How do you show interest in a woman (without asking her out or randomly kissing her)?

    I just want to be straightforward and obvious that I like her. I don't want to make her question. It's a subconscious thing I've done, and it's like I don't know how to do otherwise. I want her to know I DO like her so that she is not hesitant to date me/try a relationship with me. I'll see if...
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    I didn't show interest before. How do I confront her, now, and tell her

    that I do like her? I knew she liked me. I always came on here wanting to hear people say it, but I knew. I saw her watching me all the time and I saw it in her expression. And she was flirty and really sweet, I didn't reciprocate, she became frustrated and bitter...some reason, I would pretend...
  12. K

    Would a woman normally act like this after expressing she wasn't interested?

    She isn't interested (anymore?). Now, I don't even look at her. I don't smile or talk. She'll pass and I can sense her look over at me to make eye contact, like, maybe thinking I'll smile and wave or wondering what's going on... I'd looked up once to see her walking in my direction and watching...
  13. K

    What am I supposed to do if there's a chance she's still interested?

    She said she has a bf. I'm not sure if she does or not, considering her personality, she could just have been testing me...idk. Everyone said to move on. We don't talk and we didn't talk much previously. So she wouldn't be wondering why I'm not talking to her... Honestly, now, I don't even look...
  14. K

    I really need help from somebody that knows good vacation planning. Help...

    ...anybody? It means a lot? Okay so me and some of my best friends wanted to plan out a vacation. We know what kind of vacation we want, but it has a various amount of things that we envisioned. We really wanted to be some where that falls around the three main things we wanna do this summer. We...
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    Need to find music video where boy is getting bullied and he fights all

    of them at end.? Its a rap video on youtube where black boy i think is getting beat up and bullied and then at the end of the song whips all the kids.
  16. K

    How do I unlock my samsung metro pcs phone.. it says excess unlock failures...

    i'd bring it to metro in the a.m. or call their 800 number, u probably tried too many times with wrong code and it made it worse, someone told me once if u use the wrong code more than three times u have to have it reset or something.
  17. K

    How do you download opera mini for LG Rumor Touch on the Virgin Mobile Network?

    I just ordered my Rumor Touch and I want to know how to download opera mini because I hear it's better than the pre-downloaded and faster, so if someone can tell me how, that'd be great! Thanks!
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    sims3 for ps3 need help with logging into my ea account?

    when i log in to ea account on sims3 to go to the exchange and what not, its says my email or password is incorrect but i know it isnt. ive even changed my password to see if that was a factor, still nothing...i just created my ea account so is there a step im missing that is preventing to log...
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    Why was this meeting with my professor so weird? It was weird wasn't it?

    I stopped by to ask my professor for help on my speech. I told her, straight up, that I just was not prepared when she asked if something happened. I said it was my own fault. She didn't look pleased about my procrastination, but sat down and we started talking about it. During the discussion on...
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    Is this girl attracted to me or is she interested in being friends?

    -smiled ear to ear when I first turned around and asked her name, nodded bashfully(still grinning hard-no teeth) when I repeated it - we stopped talking after that^ , class continued, and she began sighing loudly, flipping her hair, smacking her gum, and texting while looking up at me…asked a...