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  1. C

    My Blackberry 9360 froze during the software update (7.1 OS). Can somebody...

    ...please help me? My My Blackberry 9360 froze during the software update (7.1 OS). Can somebody please help me? Yesterday, I downloaded the Blackberry 7.1 OS software and upon installation, it froze. It is currently in the backup process and it has remained unmoved on 16%, with social feeds on...
  2. C

    My My Blackberry 9360 froze during the software update (7.1 OS). Can somebody

    please help me? Yesterday, I downloaded the Blackberry 7.1 OS software and upon installation, it froze. It is currently in the backup process and it has remained unmoved on 16%, with social feeds on 0%. I have tried everything, I have removed my battery but it just reverts back to the same...
  3. C

    My Blackberry 9360 froze during the software update (7.1 OS). Can somebody

    please help me? My My Blackberry 9360 froze during the software update (7.1 OS). Can somebody please help me? Yesterday, I downloaded the Blackberry 7.1 OS software and upon installation, it froze. It is currently in the backup process and it has remained unmoved on 16%, with social feeds on 0%...
  4. C

    Hey ST, I need your help

    So, I have this heavy ass jar full of loose change. I counted it once, about 3 weeks ago, and it was around $70 minus those dumb ass pennies. I come to you ST, what should I do with it?
  5. C

    Is the Verizon Samsung Rogue still buyable?

    I have been looking on and every time i search ''Samsung Rogue'' it wouldnt even show up. Maybe this is something not on the site or thanks
  6. C

    Dont Know Samsung Eternity Password.?

    I Bought The Phone From A Friend And They Said They Never Set Up A Password And If Did They Dont Remember, How Can I Get It To Change, Is There A Master One That Overides The One Thats In So I Can Change It? Thanks For The Help.
  7. C

    Dont Know Samsung Eternity Password.?

    I Bought The Phone From A Friend And They Said They Never Set Up A Password And If Did They Dont Remember, How Can I Get It To Change, Is There A Master One That Overides The One Thats In So I Can Change It? Thanks For The Help.
  8. C

    1995 camaro $FS 2000?

    email if u wanna know about it [email protected]
  9. C

    idk what to do....?

    im scared o have sex because i dont wanna be like some of the guys and be a premeture ejaculater what would u guys do?