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  1. M

    Would this be a good english hunt coat? Input please...I'm trying to decide if this would be a good english hunt coat....what do you think
  2. M

    Planning a trip to Los Angeles, California...would like some suggestions

    and help please!? So me and my 3 friends are planning a trip to the Los Angeles area, planning for november 2009...(yes i know that it's a long way off, but i am a planner, i can't help it!) We are planning on staying for probably eight or nine days. I have been doing some research on the...
  3. M

    Help with trip to LA, California...please!!?

    My best friend and I plan on taking a two week trip to LA in september. I am horrible at finding things to do places to see, all that kind of stuff...any ideas or advice or websites i could visit would be great...I'm also trying to find some nice hotels, so if anyone has ever been to a nice one...