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  1. F

    Pokemon quiz. First one to get it right receives a female hidden ability pokemon.?

    One from the choices of slowpoke, nidoran, dratini, gible and snorunt. What is the only pokemon in the anime whose pokedex picture was of a stylized artwork instead of using the official Sugimori artwork for it? Hint: None of the pokemon I listed are the answer. And the first 3 answers are...
  2. F

    Did you know PETA is complaining about the tanuki suit in the mario series?

    I think they are around 26 or so years too late. But what do you expect from insane attention seekers?
  3. F

    For all you people that downloaded ROM's of pokemon heart gold and soul silver.?

    Do you plan on getting the actual games? I suspect no and am currently amazed Nintendo hasn't been going around claiming copryright violations all over to get these ROM's taken down. They have every right to do so.
  4. F

    For all you people that downloaded ROM's of pokemon heart gold and soul silver.?

    Do you plan on getting the actual games? I suspect no and am currently amazed Nintendo hasn't been going around claiming copryright violations all over to get these ROM's taken down. They have every right to do so.
  5. F

    What are some animes that everyone loves but you personally cannot stand?

    Oh, and Naruto. Never got into it and then the fanbase pissed me off (long story). I would say there are a few. Neon genesis evangelon, death note, Bleach and Eureka 7. All universally loved, not by me. NGE I never really cared for it and the ending I believe is the worst in anime history...
  6. F

    Mew trading..............?

    A cheated lvl. 66 Darkrai shiny I bet. I have two mew. But unless it's an ALAMOS Toysr'us giveaway in a cherish ball I'm not interested.
  7. F

    Mew trading..............?

    A cheated lvl. 66 Darkrai shiny I bet. I have two mew. But unless it's an ALAMOS Toysr'us giveaway in a cherish ball I'm not interested.
  8. F

    Do you think people that say hunting is bad that also eat processed meat are...

    ...hypocrites? This is an honest question, I'm not trying to be a troll. I eat meat and I hunt. Mostly for meat and other assorted parts. That's not to say I won't take the head and mount it. Why is hunting bad? It helps control population growth, adds revenue for the state parks and continues...
  9. F

    For anyone who has played pokemon stadium 2 and the doduo mode gameboy during

    the days of Gold/Silver.? This is for an older pokemon game that more experienced veterans have played. If you have never played the game boy pokemon games then don't bother with this question.Does anyone remember if using the doduo mode when playing the gameboy games through pokemon stadium 2...
  10. F

    How would I file a complaint to whoever you complain to about the bailout?

    My aunt is in for christmas and she wants as far as I can tell ask whoever you ask about the bailout and why our tax money goes to banks and wall street and basically complain. I don't know where to go and she has zero idea of where to even bother to look and expects me to know even though I...
  11. F

    Russian Tula sks. I don't know if this is normal or not.?

    Well I did the trade: When I brought it home I then realized the gas tube seemed loose and air easily passes through where the tube attaches where the top of the piston is (don't know the name). Is this normal? I have heard of Yugos...
  12. F

    Would the newer military digital pattern camoflauge be sufficient for a deer hunt?

    I have jungle, desert and urban of all three.
  13. F

    Does anyone get pissed off at all those people that troll the hunting section?

    You know, the idiot anti-gun people (we all know who they are). The ones that whine when we talk about "assault rifles" and ask us why we need an ak47, ar15 (because I have the right to have one). The people who answer with nonsenical crap that has nothing to do with hunting, guns or anything...
  14. F

    I don't know what angle to go after with this anti guner. Actually kind of...

    ...more anti-hunting.? I have told him about how hunting as good for state economies and animal population but... He's a vegetarian but I don't think he's a animal right nutcase like the ones firebombing homes in kalifornistan. Here's his quote: "I'm anti-hunting on a personal level, and...
  15. F

    A politics question involving mr. socialist (obama) and the DC vs. Heller...

    ...supreme court case? Warning: This does have hintings of my hatred of mr. socialist. I would put this in politics but his brainwashed legions scour that area for ANY mr. socialist critical question. And I will call him by that name as it's an appropraite name for that America hater. If the...