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  1. P

    Why did stopping Gay Marriage in California become a Mormon holy crusade?

    I caught a piece of an interview with a gay director this morning. (I am not gay myself, but have always felt like native Americans as a people and gays as individuals get trod on most.) He was raised mormon and raised and answered one of the more interesting question not asked about this...
  2. P

    Will Ford's CEO get fired over GM and Chrysler's CEOs' incompetence?

    There is a growing sentiment that for the auto industry to get a bailout, the taxpayers will want blood --- all 3 CEO's fired. I think that is very shortsighted as Ford's CEO took over the company fairly recently after it was near collapse and has already sold off a bunch of holdings in...
  3. P

    What is the future the McCain/Palin ticket is leaving the GOP?

    What will be the identity of the GOP? Will they be a discredited minority party always focusing on how minorities are the cause of all thier troubles? Will we see fiscal republicans abandoning the party for libertarianism? Will the GOP retrench behind the religious element --- Huckabee? What...
  4. P

    Does Hillary need to kneecap Palin to protect Clinton's future viability?

    No question during the convention Hillary & Bill did everything required at that point to undo the idea that they are Hillary first, Dem second. But now Hillary is being noticably quiet about Palin. Conspicuously quiet. If Hillary does not kneecap Palin, will she have any chance of landing...
  5. P

    Gas Tax Holiday will cost 300,000 Americans their jobs. How do Clinton & McCain see

    Gas Tax Holiday will cost 300,000 Americans their jobs. How do Clinton & McCain see that as worth doing? I don't need 18 cents off a gallon of gas for 3 months if it will cost 300,000 American's their livelyhood for that period of time. And what about our roads? Are we just going to put off...
  6. P

    Gas Tax Holiday will cost 300,000 Americans their jobs. How do Clinton & McCain see

    Gas Tax Holiday will cost 300,000 Americans their jobs. How do Clinton & McCain see that as worth doing? I don't need 18 cents off a gallon of gas for 3 months if it will cost 300,000 American's their livelyhood for that period of time. And what about our roads? Are we just going to put off...
  7. P

    Interesting: Are rumors of an anti-hillary backlash in the party swirling...?

    I was listening to MSNBC last night and they were talking to Howard Fineman of Newsweek who said in response to a question if there will be backlash against Clinton in the party, "...I think there has been talk of retribution. I know there has been talk of retribution for weeks, but that is...