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  1. T

    Can I trust nokia 800 lumia marketplace when buying xbox games on my cellphone?

    I would like to buy a game that costs 5 euros(it's called "ZOMBIES!!!") but I don't understand why can't I pay with my cellphone credits? can I really give the number of my credit card to buy this game,is there a chance that I will be tricked and that it will steal all my money from the credit...
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    The strength of a human being?

    Is their a limit to were a man can not become stronger ? Meaning, he is a power lifter and continues to lift heavier weights everyday. He is capable of benching 800 pounds right about now, but Is it possible, for him to bench a ton if he gets stronger or is their a limit to the human body ?
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    "Why should I study the previous presidents before Abraham Lincoln?

    when they did nothing to stop slavery ? Many of them after the other had a chance to put an end to slavery, but look, it took a man by the name of ABE to do so." I said that in my class yesterday towards my teacher and fellow classmates while standing. They applauded me. What's your opinion...
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    What is a normal heart beat?

    I checked my pulse and counted. My pulse pumps 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,etc in a slow count. Is this normal ?
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    Does Torah prophecies about the promised land apply to European (Ashkenazi) Jews?

    Gerry, Can you supply me with a proof please?
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    Does Torah prophecies about the promised land apply to European (Ashkenazi) Jews?

    Gerry, Can you supply me with a proof please?
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    Does Torah prophecies about the promised land apply to European (Ashkenazi) Jews?

    Gerry, Can you supply me with a proof please?
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    Does Torah prophecies about the promised land apply to European (Ashkenazi) Jews?

    Gerry, Can you supply me with a proof please?
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    i need help with making a lifting/cardio workout schedule/routine?

    ok ive lifted on and off so lifting isnt new to me. but i just got out of the police academy and i want to get big and strong, and i dont need to be toned, just look big too. ive also gotta lose 10-12 pounds (personal acheivement) and im not sure how to start my lifting. and i know less...
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    Hey people of the internet, I found a video of Bin Laden as a KID!!?

    Did you know this is Bin Laden as a kid, I'm not kiddin
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    I just paid for satellite tv online and how do i get it to work?

    It is from this website I did get a paypal email that said I payed for it. But I want to know how to get the online tv.. Was this a scam?....
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    2004 GMC Yukon Denali Traction control Noise?

    Had my traction control engage two days ago, and it made a noise that somewhat sounds like abs noise. a little higher pitch, and constant, not off and on. it only makes this noise for a couple seconds at the most, and in identical conditions with traction control turned off makes no noise. tps...
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    Why do people always get at America when it comes to complaining..yet they...

    ...don't complain about England? There might be shootings and stuff in America, but when it comes down to it, the amount of stabbing in England, and little-sh1ts in England just peeing you off all the time, I'd rather be in USA with LESS crime in my opinion and better neighbours..than in England...
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    What kind of marketing to look for working at home business, home based... in internet marketing? Does anyone ever try, to study marketing and making passive income from home based business using internet marketing knowledge?
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    Is it upsetting to you when the actions of those that represent your Religion or...

    ...Country are dishonorable? I hope that these U.S. Navy guards are punished if the allegations against them turn out to be true. What about when you know about a Religious leader like Muhammed beheading 900...
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    What do you think the reason is for Muslims leaving their religion in droves?

    Ahmad al-Qataani, leader of the Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law, was quoted in an al-Jazeera interview; "Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity". The reason must be very compelling in view of the fact that...
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    What do you think the reason is for Muslims leaving their religion in droves?

    Ahmad al-Qataani, leader of the Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law, was quoted in an al-Jazeera interview; "Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity". The reason must be very compelling in view of the fact that...
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    Best place to record from with a Dazzle?

    I bought a dazzle video creater platinum and I want to record it in higher quality than the software if gives you in the case, In Windows Movie Maker is says a device can not be found. Whats the best place to record from? Whats the best place to record from, which will give higher quality...
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    Is any british or EU women going to vacation at sharm el shikh in may 2008 ????

    See you later alligator! in Sharm I mean
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    Any chihuahua breeders out there?

    If so, where are you located?