Recent content by WeaselMcWeasel

  1. W

    Has your Hollywood crush ever been "Trending"?

    In the Trending the right-----------------------> has your Hollywood crush ever been "Trending"??? Mine is right now! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooo, not Sandra Bullock........... Mary Steenburgen! She's mad cute. @ dude........yes, well, I wouldn't mind a date with...
  2. W

    Political survey! What are your political views?

    My political views are that stupid people should sit down and STFU. That makes me an independent.......and I don't vote by party label.....I vote for INTELLIGENCE........ or these days...............who shows the LEAST amount of blazing stupidity. Like the last primary. It's like having a...
  3. W

    Are any of the Abraham Lincoln movies educational?

    let me put it this way.............. have you ever watched Teen Moms? Or 16 & Pregnant? Off hand, I'd say ANY film, including "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" would be "educational" to those morons. It really does stagger the imagination that any of those guys, actually got laid- It's...
  4. W

    Best movies of all time? Preferably Sci-fi!?

    The Wrath of Khan, is considered the best of the lot, of the Star Trek series. Personally, for me.........I really loved the Star Gate Movie, and subsequent series......(all 3 of them) ......but the movie bothers me, because Kurt Russell has like heavy black eye liner on thru out the film...
  5. W

    how did people from jersey shore become famous?

    >Because they all auditioned and tried out for the show and got picked. Then, a whole bunch of people tuned in, making it MTV's Highest rated show ever.......ensuring it would have gone on FOREVER, had not Snooki gotten pregnant, and kinda ruined the dynamic. Then Hurricane Sandy wiped out...
  6. W

    The best Bipartisan humor in politics?

    The funny thing is....that joke works with almost anything........ What if your daddy and granddaddy were----- Tranvestites.......brain robbers.... traitors........... almost any word applies, and the answer would still be "I guess I'd be a republican!"
  7. W

    Do you greet each morning with an attitude or do you just allow it to...

    No, I usually wake up and tell morning to PHUCK OFF.....and then I give it the cold shoulder until about NOON. If it's still lurking about, maybe I will see what the phuck it wanted.......and then go back to ignoring it until mid-afternoon. I got absolutely no use for monrings...
  8. W

    Survey: What question do you see on Y!A the most?

    The rate me questions are pretty boring. I really don't give a rats azz if someone is a 5 or 7.... who gives a flying truck?
  9. W

    This doesn't make me gay, right?

    Cool story, bro.
  10. W

    Survey: If you could make a difference in the world in any way or more than one?

    well, needless to say, if I could bring peace to the Middle East, that would have to be SOME medal they'd have to give me. I know I could do it.............. I would just grab everyone, and clunk their heads together, until they knocked it off.
  11. W

    Why why why whyyyyy? LOL?

    many people skip over or don't answer, silly, annoying, repetitive or just plain stupid people posting WHYWHYWHY........and expecting answers other than WHY NOT? Now you have two answers to this burning question. Happy now?
  12. W

    I need help to anaylsis this poem?

    Sounds like something drippy written by someone who sat on a beach all day drinking himself into a stupor.....babbling about the waves and the wind. That's my careful and thoughtful anaylsis
  13. W

    Do you know someone that screams when you wake them?

    I suppose I wouldn't mind THAT so much........ I got a screamer in the middle of the night! Wakes me out of a SOUND sleep to report snakes in the bed.....(don't laugh....she's SERIOUS!) men hiding in the shower.......water dripping thru the ceiling, ........always some catastrophe, that...
  14. W

    What T.V show/cartoon had a character who said the phrase cool beans (not full

    I don't know..........but that's so weird....that use to be my sisters favirite saying allllllllllllll the time. She was the only person I knew who said that all her life.......... and she was saying it since she was a it's got to be from way back. Sorry, I don't know the...
  15. W

    While wandering the halls of P & S, I picked up something hot, ?

    see your doctor immediately......... there are some real skanks over on P & S .