Recent content by watashikoini

  1. W

    Why do so many Christians have so many diff interpretations of their...

    ...religion, and none of them are that clear? My Christian friends cannot even explain to themselves the fundamentals of their religion. Everyone seems to interpret it differently, and all the interpretations are far from one another.
  2. W

    All saints free online?

  3. W

    All saints free online?

  4. W

    How is atheism different from all the religions of the world, and my...

    ...understanding. Why do you think its right? First of all, I want to say that there are other religions besides Christianity in the world. Some are non-conventional ones, such as Deism which simply states that there is a Higher Power (they don't call it God, but the Higher Power)...
  5. W

    What is the definition of a disease, and specifically a mental disease? Has

    science truly failed? I think this is the biggest failure of science and generally the world. It is full of imperfections, even though religion is not a better alternative. But, what can you define as a disease; and what can you not? First of all, we have to realize that all humans are...
  6. W

    My fellow Americans,if we invaded Iraq to save the Iraqis from Sadam,can you

    tell me the diff b/w a shia&sunni? Please dont look it up. And can you tell me something geographically about Iraq? Also, if you want to justify the war we might have in Iran, can you tell me who Shah Reza in 1950 was; and what he meant to us? We didnt attack Iraq because they had WMDs? We...
  7. W

    Is Stephen Colbert capable of giving straight answers?

    I am an independent. But i lean towards the left, and detest the Republicans. However, I am not a great fan of the "Colbert Report" or "The Daily Show". They just aren't that funny, im sorry (to me at least). They seem to be too satirical, and dont seem to answer straight questions. They dont...
  8. W

    Why do girls complain about weird guys staring at them when they wear short...

    ...skirts? Isnt it hypocritical? From what I gather, most girls wear short skirts to get the attention of men, one way or another. Gaining their attention makes them feel good about themselves, makes them feel sexy. Anyways, its all good if a decent guy stares at them in a nice way, and not...
  9. W

    Hypothetically speaking, if Jeremy Glick was right about the 9/11 attacks being

    a conspiracy,what would you do? For those who dont know who Jeremy Glick is, his father Barry Glick was one of the people killed in the 9/11 attacks. Jeremy came on Bill o'Reilly's show, and claimed that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the American government, not Afghanistan (or Taliban)...
  10. W

    How many gods do Christians have? 1, 3 or infinity?

    Judging by reading most people's posts have, Christianity is kind of cult-like and Christians are not monotheists. Putting it in simple and logical terms, they have 3 gods: god, jesus (human god) and the spirit. Jesus is the most superior of them all. It is only through Jesus that salvation is...
  11. W

    What socalled Muslim scholars have taken from other religions/cultures into Islam.Im

    a Muslim male from the US? Many "religious" Islamic preachers have taken out teachings from other religions, that do not follow the true spirit of Islam. For example, quoting a few: 1. Islam does not accept the "Original Sin". However, most extremist "preachers" nowadays somehow use it as their...