Recent content by StephW1

  1. S

    my friend is sore and hyper and can't sleep?

    my friend is now sore and hyper, and wants to sleep but can't sleep, how can u calm a person down and try to make them sleep?
  2. S

    How can I convert a cassette home video into a CD or DVD?

    My dad had a video camera in the early 90s and now we have a bunch of cassette tapes, but no way to watch them cause my VCR is broken. How can we convert them into a CD or preferably a DVD to watch on TV/laptop?
  3. S

    Could anybody tell me where do you buy a Nintendo wii wifi in NSW Australia?

    what shops sell them and how much are they because I've seen one on ebay and I thought about buying one so i can play with my cousin p.s. answer me back ASAP
  4. S

    Can someone pls help me with the last few steps to unlock my Iphone from telstra?

    I have paid the $150 unlocking fee, and am now in need of the last few steps that are meant to be published on the apple website, which is what the phone consultant said. pls help