Recent content by seizod

  1. S

    Came out

    qft way to go man. must take more balls than I have
  2. S

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    The 'ring girls' in this made me giggle...
  3. S

    Remembered STers...

    Meh. I think hes kind of amusing.
  4. S

    ***The Sickening Results Countdown Thread 2009****

    This is so pointless.
  5. S

    Why are you online in this glorious weather!?

    I've got an exam in 2 days, I know the question is then "why are you on ihav" but I feel less guilty being on ihav than I would if I actually went out and enjoyed the sunshine...
  6. S

    Mind trick, Right or Left Brain?

    The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise? I got a link to this on my facebook. I can make her go both ways quite easily now, after quite a...
  7. S

    Angelina Jolie vs Sarah Michelle Geller

    This is Claire Short a fine politican, but by any reasonable definition a minger. Who you probably wouldn't want anywhere near your wedding tackle This is Sarah Michelle Geller who if you would turn down the opportunity of a bit of horizontal recreation with, then you probably have...
  8. S

    What tv show is this guy from?!

    do you watch what comes on next, or do you flip to family guy!?!?!!
  9. S

    pissing on the tolet?

    Fail thread is fail.
  10. S

    Anyone work at mcdonalds?

    is it worth the ban?
  11. S

    This Guy Needs Help

    I ride my bike without a seat.
  12. S

    name game

  13. S

    DK's Survival Story

    I guess if you're looking at it in that point of view.
  14. S

    The No-Topic Thread

    My short story got rejected by Fantasy Magazine... but I'm ecstatic because they said they'd like to see more of my writing. I got a personal note from the head editors!!!! WOOOOOT!
  15. S

    Guy rules

    I finally get it... You want something that looks pretty, and that can't talk! I understand now! Men are morons XD