Recent content by ScorpioGemm

  1. S

    quiz.What Do Your Kisses Taste Like?

    Your Kisses Taste Like Cranberries You are a logical and rational person. You follow your head, which means you never kiss impulsively. You only kiss when it makes sense, and you prefer to not kiss too casually. You pay attention to first impressions. You can't kiss someone if the chemistry...
  2. S

    Have you ever had a dream that came true? Premonitions? How often?

    I do, all the time. I just had one actually. That my boyfriend is thinking about moving on. It, of course, pissed me off and hurt me a little but... I'm happy that it came to me in the form of a dream. I love signs, I'm inclined to pay attention to them. Nothing with me goes unnoticed or...