Recent content by SarahPalin

  1. S

    Christians; What exactly do you do in Heaven?

  2. S

    Argue your view of evolution?

    I mostly want to see some arguments from the anti-evolutionists.
  3. S

    If religion had copyright laws, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam would be

    They are all very similar aren't they?
  4. S

    Is Christianity an Egyptian religion?

    peace walker, how can you be so arrogant and close minded? were you really THAT brainwashed?
  5. S

    Quick question, Christians I'm confused. Who should I be confessing to again the

    Your kind of weird. oh ok your fine then.
  6. S

    Christians, do you do as God says?

    well thats messed up. but your name does fit.
  7. S

    I'm wondering how I can win a dog costume contest?

    dye its hair green.
  8. S

    I'm wondering how I can win a dog costume contest?

    dye its hair green.
  9. S

    puppy height he growing so fast?

    he will be exactly 28 inches when full grown. *sigh*
  10. S

    Poll: What kind of feeling do you get when you see a spider or centipede?

    Well there Jacob, you fail at spelling my name correctly.
  11. S

    " Well Mrs. Lincoln, other than THAT, how did you like the play?"? Look, Obama's only been in office 1 year. and the unemployment rate has already began to decrease. Significant change doesn't happen overnight.
  12. S

    Have you thought about how you will argue with the Death Panel?

    Medicaid should cover voluntary end-of-life counseling.