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  1. S

    Christians; What exactly do you do in Heaven?

  2. S

    Argue your view of evolution?

    I mostly want to see some arguments from the anti-evolutionists.
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    If religion had copyright laws, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam would be

    They are all very similar aren't they?
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    Is Christianity an Egyptian religion?

    peace walker, how can you be so arrogant and close minded? were you really THAT brainwashed?
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    Quick question, Christians I'm confused. Who should I be confessing to again the

    Your kind of weird. oh ok your fine then.
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    Christians, do you do as God says?

    well thats messed up. but your name does fit.
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    I'm wondering how I can win a dog costume contest?

    dye its hair green.
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    I'm wondering how I can win a dog costume contest?

    dye its hair green.
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    puppy height he growing so fast?

    he will be exactly 28 inches when full grown. *sigh*
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    Poll: What kind of feeling do you get when you see a spider or centipede?

    Well there Jacob, you fail at spelling my name correctly.
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    " Well Mrs. Lincoln, other than THAT, how did you like the play?"? Look, Obama's only been in office 1 year. and the unemployment rate has already began to decrease. Significant change doesn't happen overnight.
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    Have you thought about how you will argue with the Death Panel?

    Medicaid should cover voluntary end-of-life counseling.
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    What is the cheapest machine I can buy to get on the internet only?

    Particularly I need to access a WiFi signal, but I don't need ANYTHING other than a browser and probably a keyboard and mouse or if it has touchscreen I can get away without using a keyboard or mouse at all. It doesn't need anything else. Is there such a thing?
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    Laptop won't display internet at all but is connected. HELP!?

    Hello, I have a Dell laptop with Windows XP and a wireless card. I get on the internet with a linksys wireless broadband router. I used to have no problems but suddenly I can no longer get the internet to display any pages. It simply says, "Internet Explorer Cannot Display the Webpage". The...
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    If Dell or Gateway produced a cellphone, would the heat burn your ear?

    Seriously, what is with laptops compared to cellphones with nearly equal capabilities like Blackberry? My Blackberry radiates absolutely no heat, yet it seems to be able to do even more than my laptop. My laptop will burn the top of my legs though. What is the deal?
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    Laptop - Can't Get On The Internet?

    Hello, I have a Dell laptop with windows XP. I have a Linksys wireless broadband router hooked up to a cable modem, and I have a wifi card in the laptop. When I first got this set up, everything worked just fine for about 6 months. Now all of a sudden I cant get on the internet at all. My laptop...
  17. S

    When you die, and the Mormons baptize you by proxy into their religion, is that...

    ...something you approve of? without your consent